
IPO = bleeding money badly and the IPO is a last ditch effort. However, JP Morgan, B of A, Merrill lynch, underwrote the ipo, those big names only get involved for 2 reasons, big hitter(which EC is not) or M/A. This whole story has m/a written all over it. Hello medtroninc or boston! Everyone gets f$@ed except the select few. Gilreath gets rich! Good times! Call me a liar......

IPO = bleeding money badly and the IPO is a last ditch effort. However, JP Morgan, B of A, Merrill lynch, underwrote the ipo, those big names only get involved for 2 reasons, big hitter(which EC is not) or M/A. This whole story has m/a written all over it. Hello medtroninc or boston! Everyone gets f$@ed except the select few. Gilreath gets rich! Good times! Call me a liar......

I will just call you a douche bag.

IPO = bleeding money badly and the IPO is a last ditch effort. However, JP Morgan, B of A, Merrill lynch, underwrote the ipo, those big names only get involved for 2 reasons, big hitter(which EC is not) or M/A. This whole story has m/a written all over it. Hello medtroninc or boston! Everyone gets f$@ed except the select few. Gilreath gets rich! Good times! Call me a liar......
Truth hurts? No need for name calling!

Based on your mislead logic, any company that files for an IPO (Twitter, GoPro, FaceBook, etc..) was all hemorrhaging money? Interesting. You're a moron...

Did you just compare EndoChoice to the IPOs of twitter, gopro and facebook? Hahahahahhaha! And you call me the moron?! I guess we'll see if Im wrong!

No comparison at all. You made the statement that IPOs = bleeding money or almost going out of business. I'm trying to figure out why you feel IPOs are a bad thing or a company choosing to go public is a bad thing. I eagerly await your response.

Thats beacusse youre a f@kin loser. No one said youre going out of business. I said youd be aquired, do you understand what that means? You needed the ipo because the losses per year are mounting and it was really the only way to fund the company's operations for several years. You can believe the EC salesforce and team will be successful and sell enough to actually start making money or you can think a big company will buy the company/ technology fire your dumbass and leverage their contracts to bring it to the masses. So i predict when and if the offer comes MG and the investors take it make alot of cash. Be an adult or live in your nieve little dilusiounal world, either way, enjoy!

Thats beacusse youre a f@kin loser. No one said youre going out of business. I said youd be aquired, do you understand what that means? You needed the ipo because the losses per year are mounting and it was really the only way to fund the company's operations for several years. You can believe the EC salesforce and team will be successful and sell enough to actually start making money or you can think a big company will buy the company/ technology fire your dumbass and leverage their contracts to bring it to the masses. So i predict when and if the offer comes MG and the investors take it make alot of cash. Be an adult or live in your nieve little dilusiounal world, either way, enjoy!

Naive, you moron

Regardless of the IPO, I do agree with the poster that there are a select few who are making money here and it isn't the sales force. Most of us worked hard to get EC to the IPO and were any of us rewarded? Absolutely not. If you weren't "in the basement" when this company started, don't kid yourself, you aren't going to benefit financially from working at EC. You aren't getting shares of the company, you weren't able to buy stock before the IPO, and you aren't getting a matching 401K.

I was approached by a recruiter named Scott Heron who said that reps at Endochoice were making $175-400+k. Any truth to that?

The top rep did make 400K last year. Rep sold Fuse (multiple), Path and hit recurring number. Average reps make 150+. Sell Fuse, make $$$. To the trolls that say Fuse isn't worth shit, tell that to the docs who are buying it and believe in the technology.

It's a technology that has never been seen before and it is going to change the way docs treat their patients. The other scope companies are playing catch up and are at least 2-3 years behind the eight ball. Who gives a shit about stock and who what the executive team is making? Sell what is asked of you and make money.

The top rep did make 400K last year. Rep sold Fuse (multiple), Path and hit recurring number. Average reps make 150+. Sell Fuse, make $$$. To the trolls that say Fuse isn't worth shit, tell that to the docs who are buying it and believe in the technology.

It's a technology that has never been seen before and it is going to change the way docs treat their patients. The other scope companies are playing catch up and are at least 2-3 years behind the eight ball. Who gives a shit about stock and who what the executive team is making? Sell what is asked of you and make money.

Ask how many reps are hitting their numbers here. We had four reps out of 44 hit quota last year. Tell me if the average reps make $150K when only 10% of the force hit their numbers.

The top rep did make 400K last year. Rep sold Fuse (multiple), Path and hit recurring number. Average reps make 150+. Sell Fuse, make $$$. To the trolls that say Fuse isn't worth shit, tell that to the docs who are buying it and believe in the technology.

It's a technology that has never been seen before and it is going to change the way docs treat their patients. The other scope companies are playing catch up and are at least 2-3 years behind the eight ball. Who gives a shit about stock and who what the executive team is making? Sell what is asked of you and make money.

It takes a paranoid, underachieving terrible person (mostly in an undeserved leadership position) to make these statements. "Sell that is asked of you and make money." What a bunch of crap. "Tell the docs who are buying it and believe in the technology." That's an even bigger joke. Do me/us all a favor and list the physicians and centers that have PURCHASED (not been given) FUSE nationwide. Go ahead…..I'll wait.