iphone tracks location, files

If ANYONE does not think that Amgen tracks anything and everything on your phone, then think again. My Manager does, but at least she told me....well not exactly told me, my Doctor told me that my Manager called his office to check up on my using the iphone. The office was pleasant to her on the phone, and once off said never EVER to bring her into the office again. They could not believe a Manager was calling during patient hours. Talk about no common sense. Weird, just weird

Check out Fox News. Not good for Apple. Not good for my counterpart who never works and has the iphone.

They impant a gps under your skin at training and nobody knowns about it.
But honestly, it's lime invasion of privacy that someone can track your every move.!!
I really miss the days of no cell phones or emails.! I guess the great technology that we enjoy can come with a very high price.