There have long been myths about GPS on cars, jornadas, laptops, etc. All BS, at least at Forest. However, iPads can most definitely track your whereabouts. Something to think about.
Also, if you think there are too many reps to keep track of or that no DM/RD would have the access or desire to do so, look into how many companies already do and how easy it is. My spouse manages a large company with tons of field employees, and they have GPS to keep track of everyone. Do they sit around and look at a map of where everyone is everyday? Of course not - they don't have the time for that. But what they do look at is a weekly email detailing anyone that "flagged" the sytem; i.e. being at any given location for too long, stopping at home in the middle of the day, etc. Trust me, if we do get iPads, it will be MUCH easier for management to know exactly when we leave our homes in the morning and when we return. Definitely a "big brother" move...