Inventiv/Endo National Conference Call


The conference call held today was absolutely insulting! Work hard, you can win trips, rankings, HR saying to do the right thing.......Really? Will we have jobs in a few weeks? The vp's showed insensitivity, lack of logic on how to motivate, and apparently, they have no worries about job loss. Motivation comes from caring about your people. Have a process in place for those that are displaced, so that perhaps another contract may be an option. Motivation does not come from providing vps with more incentive compensation from the hard work of potentially unemployed reps. Disgusted.


The bad thing about getting on the next contract is that there are 1-2 now in August, but come October 1 it will be vacant until late January. My last layoff was during this time of year. Currently, not anything in my area that want an experienced rep!

did they even allow you to ask if there were layoffs coming? if not, then hmmm...if they did and nobody asked, then that's on them. i sure would've asked...good luck

inVentiv is hired (legal contract) out to do the job till the bitter other words make your calls till the last hour of the last day of the contract. If they announce "Contracting Ending Sept. 30!" how many calls get made between now and then?

They have to be vague and hold the the hope out to you that by doing your job we may be nice and rehire you on another contract (if and when one becomes available).

This is the normal for contract world.

Boys and Girls, did you not know that the party wasn't going to last forever? The phase contractual obligations means inVentiv expects you to work until the last day in the field, to make all the calls you're supposed to make. Till the contract actually starts winding down, no more lunches, no new car ordering etc. you will not be considered for new projects. Want to jump ship for a new position with another company, fine but no bonus for you; yo must be employed till the last day to get your bonus or pro-rated bonus.
One last point, as soon to be displaced reps do you realize what you're now up against in the job market? Yup, 1,000's of very qualified big pharma reps looking to get back into pharma. Guess what, most of the inVentiv hiring managers are recently let go big pharma reps and they don't like to hire contract reps sorry to say.

Boys and Girls, did you not know that the party wasn't going to last forever? The phase contractual obligations means inVentiv expects you to work until the last day in the field, to make all the calls you're supposed to make. Till the contract actually starts winding down, no more lunches, no new car ordering etc. you will not be considered for new projects. Want to jump ship for a new position with another company, fine but no bonus for you; yo must be employed till the last day to get your bonus or pro-rated bonus.
One last point, as soon to be displaced reps do you realize what you're now up against in the job market? Yup, 1,000's of very qualified big pharma reps looking to get back into pharma. Guess what, most of the inVentiv hiring managers are recently let go big pharma reps and they don't like to hire contract reps sorry to say.

Read the WARN Act as it may give you a little better understanding of the process of downsizing.

Update According to the DM in OK cuts will be 20% Endo and 20% Inventive. My counterpart seems to think its legit. I am skepticle of this as the guy is kinda cheesy. That only like 40 of us I know it sucks bad thats not to bad compared to other side. with lioderm generic we have at least one year and are safer than the endo reps. Its not ideal, but not terrible.