INTUNE= big brother


Is SNN now the NSA? I have heard many rumors that the new INTUNE app that all reps, wound care, are required to download is pretty much a tracker and an outlet for SNN to monitor anything you do on your phone or iPad. Any truth to this?

bwwwwaaaaaaahahahahahahaha - so who is IT gonna outsource that to. I wouldn't worry much they have a long proven track record of incompetence. One the other hand Of course they can use it to make up stuff and shift blame as usual ITs all BS

So even if you access another personal e-mail account on your phone S&N will be able to see it. Every little silly thing you do on your phone, they will be able to see. So if you use your phone for Fantasy Football picks, to vote on American Idol, to order condoms on Amazon, to text smutty texts to your married girlfriend, to read and post on Cafepharma... they will be able to see it.

So if you use a seperate personally owned device to access your S&N e-mail, you have to have that In-Tune loaded on your device as well.

I suggest getting a seperate phone or iPad for all personal use. It is a pain because the calendars will not be able to be synced up and you have carry two phones.

S&N says that the corporate privacy policy applies which the employee has some rights to privacy, but I can't remember the details and they don't make it very easy to find or decifer.