Intuitive Surgical EXPERIENCE


I just graduated college in August at the late age of 32. I was in the health and fitness industry for 10 years and decided I wanted a more fulfilling career. I have studied up on surgical robotics a great deal for the past 18 months and I am absolutely fascinated with this industry and the potential it has. I have aspirations of working for Intuitive Surgical and trying to become a CSR but obviously have ZERO experience in the medical device field or any B2B. Does anyone know if Intuitive Surgical would even look at an applicant like myself, maybe have a position like an "associate" to a CSR, like a grunt position where they would educate me and give me a chance to learn the sales position to eventually move up? I was told not a chance in hell, that Intuitive only goes after people with 5-8 years of proven selling experience and that I would have to go get some B2B experience with another company first. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

I just graduated college in August at the late age of 32. I was in the health and fitness industry for 10 years and decided I wanted a more fulfilling career. I have studied up on surgical robotics a great deal for the past 18 months and I am absolutely fascinated with this industry and the potential it has. I have aspirations of working for Intuitive Surgical and trying to become a CSR but obviously have ZERO experience in the medical device field or any B2B. Does anyone know if Intuitive Surgical would even look at an applicant like myself, maybe have a position like an "associate" to a CSR, like a grunt position where they would educate me and give me a chance to learn the sales position to eventually move up? I was told not a chance in hell, that Intuitive only goes after people with 5-8 years of proven selling experience and that I would have to go get some B2B experience with another company first. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Intuitive has a Clinical Sales Associate "CSA" position usually in smaller markets and might look at someone with your background. Good Luck!

Really?!? If they hire you I am going to sell all my options that I accumulated over the past eight years. LORD, Please help this company from hiring non experienced incompetent people!!!

Really?!? If they hire you I am going to sell all my options that I accumulated over the past eight years. LORD, Please help this company from hiring non experienced incompetent people!!!

I want to thank you all for you advice, sinerely. I appreciate the helpful insight. To my friend above............I can completely understand your concern for a company of their stature hiring a person with zero experience in the medical device field, so I will give you that. But you have no idea who I am and have no right to claim me as "incompetent" you ballbag. So dont fill my thread with negative garbage like the other weak, whiney people on Cafepharma that are a product of this pathetic "participation trophy" era and expect to make great money without having to sacrifice an extrodinary amount.

never say never. explain your non-experience in your resume. Intuitive hires directly out of the military and many of those people do very well. I realize you are not really in the same boat...but you can get in ANYWHERE without experience if you get to the right person and start impressing people.

by the way...lots of folks here have that same degree. having "a degree" is all that matters. At least you actually took some anatomy classes (maybe).

Dude, you don't want this job. On paper, Inuitive looks like a juggernaut that is going to take over the OR...insane growth and amazing technology. But look at the peer-reviewed studies and you will learn how a first-class sales and marketing organization has aggressively pushed robotic surgery into procedures where there is no clinical benefit (vs. traditional laparoscopy or non-invasive therapies), participated in misleading patients, and considerably raised the cost of care.

Intuitive is an impressive organization with a killer track record and innovative technology. That said, 60% annual revenue growth is not sustainable and it's starting to show in there quarterly earnings. They're betting big on single-incision lap chole to get into general surgery, despite the fact that lap chole is the most simple and cost effective laparoscopic case most hospitals perform, AND that there is already a proven single-incision technique. I'm not saying Intuitive won't continue to grow, but they literally fell into the GYN market where community docs will imitate anything their GYN ONC heroes do. Unlikely to see the same success in the General Surgery space.

Come to think of it, a candidate with no experience in medical device and a thirst for kool aid may be just what they're looking for.

Dude, you don't want this job. On paper, Inuitive looks like a juggernaut that is going to take over the OR...insane growth and amazing technology. But look at the peer-reviewed studies and you will learn how a first-class sales and marketing organization has aggressively pushed robotic surgery into procedures where there is no clinical benefit (vs. traditional laparoscopy or non-invasive therapies), participated in misleading patients, and considerably raised the cost of care.

Intuitive is an impressive organization with a killer track record and innovative technology. That said, 60% annual revenue growth is not sustainable and it's starting to show in there quarterly earnings. They're betting big on single-incision lap chole to get into general surgery, despite the fact that lap chole is the most simple and cost effective laparoscopic case most hospitals perform, AND that there is already a proven single-incision technique. I'm not saying Intuitive won't continue to grow, but they literally fell into the GYN market where community docs will imitate anything their GYN ONC heroes do. Unlikely to see the same success in the General Surgery space.

Come to think of it, a candidate with no experience in medical device and a thirst for kool aid may be just what they're looking for.

Seriously! "60% annual revenue growth"! Where did you get this number?! "On paper"! Did you actually read the financial report? Simpleton!

Seriously! "60% annual revenue growth"! Where did you get this number?! "On paper"! Did you actually read the financial report? Simpleton!

You're right, 60% is too high, but I rounded up for simplicity.

2007 Earnings - $600 million
2011 Earnings - $1.76 billion
289% growth over 5 years is 57.8% growth per year, straight from the last 5 annual reports.

Don't be afraid to use a period every few sentences.

Once again, thank you. All of this information is extremely helpful to me. I understand what you are saying about Intuitive's growth and how it is unrealistic for them to keep up at the same rate. From what I have been told, they are now targeting ENT and thoracic. If surgical robotics is the what I am interested in and have a passion for and Intuitive is not the company to go with, do you have any suggestions on any other companies I might want to look into? From what I have been able to research, Inuitive Surgical is the only company involved in surgical robotics at this time. Titan Medical is the supposed to be the next company to challenge them with their Amadeus surgical system but I have heard that the Amadeus is still in clinical trials and could be years away from being approved. It almost seems like Intuitive has a monopoly on this industry but then again it is brand new.

You're right, 60% is too high, but I rounded up for simplicity.

2007 Earnings - $600 million
2011 Earnings - $1.76 billion
289% growth over 5 years is 57.8% growth per year, straight from the last 5 annual reports.

Don't be afraid to use a period every few sentences.

So, what happened to 2001 through 2006? Oh, that's right; those years don't count because that will screw up my math!

Don't be afraid to redo your math!

So, what happened to 2001 through 2006? Oh, that's right; those years don't count because that will screw up my math!

Don't be afraid to redo your math!

So Intuitive has grown 60% annually since 2006, but grew much slower in the 5 years prior. What is your point? Wall Street has rewarded ISRG for their output over the last 5 years, not what they did in 2002, and they expect it to continue. There is enormous pressure to continue delivering big-time growth.

Seriously, you don't have to end every statement with an exclamation point.

So Intuitive has grown 60% annually since 2006, but grew much slower in the 5 years prior. What is your point? Wall Street has rewarded ISRG for their output over the last 5 years, not what they did in 2002, and they expect it to continue. There is enormous pressure to continue delivering big-time growth.

Seriously, you don't have to end every statement with an exclamation point.

What is my point? Have you read your original post? My points are; it’s full of inaccurate and biased data. If you are providing an advice to someone, try to stay accurate but don’t use smoke and mirror with inaccurate and biased data. Or, just say; “in my opinion”….. We know, you don’t like this company and you are trying to share your opinion. Thank you, we appreciate your insightful opinions. But you know what they say about opinions; it’s like an asshole, everyone has it and it all stinks. :) Yes, including mine. Lastly, even though I enjoy our banter, let’s not lower ourselves any further and say, we agree to disagree.

To the young man who has been asking for an advice, in my humblest opinion; no company is perfect including ISI, keep that in mine. From what I read, looks like you are smart, likes challenges and agressive. Those are great treats. If you cannot get in now, don’t give up. In the meantime, try entry level job from any medical device companies. More experience you can have under your belt, the higher chance you have with ISI. It took me more than 8 years of continues effort before I got in. Again, from my experience; ISI has much higher expectations/goals compare to other companies I have worked in the past but rewards do compensate for it. One last thing, don’t believe everything you read on this board, including mine. Do some homework and talk to as many ISI field rep as possible. I hope this was helpful and good luck.

What is my point? Have you read your original post? My points are; it’s full of inaccurate and biased data. If you are providing an advice to someone, try to stay accurate but don’t use smoke and mirror with inaccurate and biased data. Or, just say; “in my opinion”….. We know, you don’t like this company and you are trying to share your opinion. Thank you, we appreciate your insightful opinions. But you know what they say about opinions; it’s like an asshole, everyone has it and it all stinks. :) Yes, including mine. Lastly, even though I enjoy our banter, let’s not lower ourselves any further and say, we agree to disagree.

To the young man who has been asking for an advice, in my humblest opinion; no company is perfect including ISI, keep that in mine. From what I read, looks like you are smart, likes challenges and agressive. Those are great treats. If you cannot get in now, don’t give up. In the meantime, try entry level job from any medical device companies. More experience you can have under your belt, the higher chance you have with ISI. It took me more than 8 years of continues effort before I got in. Again, from my experience; ISI has much higher expectations/goals compare to other companies I have worked in the past but rewards do compensate for it. One last thing, don’t believe everything you read on this board, including mine. Do some homework and talk to as many ISI field rep as possible. I hope this was helpful and good luck.

It was very helpful, thanks. One last thing. I have been contemplating reaching out to some of the CSR's at Intuitive in my area. Was wondering if anyone on here reading this is a CSR and if you are, give me your honest opinion. I have been told a good deal of CSR's get really irritated when they are approached for advice from people such as myself, people outside the company that aspire to break in. Simply because they are extremely busy(if they are any good at what they do) and they truly dont like any competition. I dont want to get in the dog house before I even apply. Thanks.

It was very helpful, thanks. One last thing. I have been contemplating reaching out to some of the CSR's at Intuitive in my area. Was wondering if anyone on here reading this is a CSR and if you are, give me your honest opinion. I have been told a good deal of CSR's get really irritated when they are approached for advice from people such as myself, people outside the company that aspire to break in. Simply because they are extremely busy(if they are any good at what they do) and they truly dont like any competition. I dont want to get in the dog house before I even apply. Thanks.

Look here grasshopper I’m going to educate your naïve ass real quick. Working for Intuitive Surgical is a goddamn joke, all of their reps and CSA’s are idiots. I work for Pfizer, that’s where the real money, security and RESPECT is at in the medical field. I see these dipshit Da-Vinci reps walking around begging doctors for their time, sucking cock just for 30seconds….Me I get to just walk right into their PRACTICE, to get my work done. For a person like yourself, you should absolutely start with a pharmaceutical company, it has a proven track record and isn’t Voodoo medicine like Intuitive sells. I had a Manager approach me for this company and I sent him packing, sure they may be doing O.K. right now, but it is not sustainable, it will all collapse. Do yourself a favor and run away from this sacks of shit and all of the Pharma Rejects that work there.