
I agree. Not point of having phone interview. Do you know any one inside.
If you don't, just Say Mr. John Smithson who is in San Diego diabetes marketing, you have known him occassionally while I visited my sister. Nobody will check on you weather it is cold or hot link, since nobody is having time to veruify.

If you are happen to be Asian, use something like this - I and Ms. Xun Jian Wu are from same university -- Xiaoxingguan Second Military Medical University, and that Xun "Shery" was working here last year and she told me that it is a very good place for Women to work -- just bit fastpaced, but I am all psyched up for great time and good challenge.

If you happen to be swfb, just say Shery Linkletter and I were dormmates at Vassella.

If you are wmd, I read great trbutes of JCl in Hahward Business Review Quarterly on risks and risk-avaoidance in pharma. Welcome to Hell i (`h` is silent)

I had my phone interview and was told that I was moving on to the next level. They sent me the application to fill out and fax back. Well that is all done. I was told to keep an eye on email that they will be sending information for the f2f panel interview. I too am in for the fixed duration. The girl on the phone interview did a great job explaining the position and the possibility of joining the company after the duration was finished. Just as long as you are in good standings good numbers etc.. What did they tell you?

I had my phone interview and was told that I was moving on to the next level. They sent me the application to fill out and fax back. Well that is all done. I was told to keep an eye on email that they will be sending information for the f2f panel interview. I too am in for the fixed duration. The girl on the phone interview did a great job explaining the position and the possibility of joining the company after the duration was finished. Just as long as you are in good standings good numbers etc.. What did they tell you?

My heart just breaks for you in reading your words. You are making a big mistake; but no one is going to be able to tell you otherwise. This industry will take your soul, you know.

I had my phone interview and was told that I was moving on to the next level. They sent me the application to fill out and fax back. Well that is all done. I was told to keep an eye on email that they will be sending information for the f2f panel interview. I too am in for the fixed duration. The girl on the phone interview did a great job explaining the position and the possibility of joining the company after the duration was finished. Just as long as you are in good standings good numbers etc.. What did they tell you?

Applying for onco job looks like...Watch Hotel-I and II prior to f2f interview. You'll need ideas from it.

I had my phone IV yesterday as well and received the app via e-mail late last night. I completed it and faxed it back this a.m. Did anyone tell you when we should hear about scheduling face to face iv's? I know for a fact that BI has a starting date of 2/28 for their side of things. I am guessing that this will move rather quickly. What have you all heard?

I am also about to have a f2f interview for the fixed duration diabetes position. That confirmation came via E-mail within two or three hours after my phone interview, which was a little less than 2 weeks ago...After that, they said they will let you know either way about the job within 10 days of f2f, again via E-mail. Does that help? I actually would really appreciate some more advice from anyone who has actually gone through an interview for this position or a related one. Why did the person above say in regards to the fixed duration diabetes job interview, "I assume that you are currently unemployed. If not, I suggest you cancel the interview?" and the other comment, "My heart just breaks for you in reading your words. You are making a big mistake; but no one is going to be able to tell you otherwise." I guess I am not in on this joke...? I think it sounds like an excellent experience and a great way to just get your foot in the door of pharmaceutical sales? but please if you disagree, thoughts on all of this would be great help! :)

I have a phone interview scheduled tomorrow and have no clue what questions are being asked. I have been employed with pharma for a number of years and have not done one of these in quite a few. Anyone willing to share specifics?

Learn about
(1) Insulin discovery
(2) Insulin pipeline
(3) Types of insulin (LisPro) etc..
(4) Why LisPro is better
(5) Insuloin mode of action
(6) Why insulin is a "growth hormone" and why it can cause cancer cell survival
(7) What are insulin mimetics
(8) biological naem of Gila monster
(9) mode of action of Byetta/Bydureon
(10) What are DPP-4 inhibitors
(11) How dipeptidylpeptidase work -- biological action -- on what part of body it acts
(12) what are the complications of wronf type of insulin usage
(13) What is actos
(14) What is mode of action of Sulfonylureas
(15) Effect of diabetes on libido
(16) What is peripheral neuropahy
(17) why and how cymbalta helps peripheral neuropathy
(18) How Zyprexa causes diabtes
(19) which cell makes insulin
(20) How blood glucose is measured -- biochemical reaction
(21) What is mechanism by which insulin acts (study biochemisal pathway from wikiepdia) (22) How Byetta causes pancreatic cancer
(23) Limitations of byetta usage
(24) Wha tis the best product Lilly ever made that did not turn out to be so
(25) Is Lilly CEO broad-chested or obese (Search Bllomberg vid or youtube) -- Know how to misspell his name.

Say neeho to your interviewer if his name sounds like chinese. Comeback and put your experience.

Make yourself aware of Corporate Integrity Agrreement (Zyprexa settlement). Rest is excessive probing of your records..make sure it is spotless. Deface your Faceboðk. Cleanse internet presence (takes one month to clear blurts on intenr ~ 99USD). Make your exit plan if job is offered.

Make yourself aware of Corporate Integrity Agrreement (Zyprexa settlement). Rest is excessive probing of your records..make sure it is spotless. Deface your Faceboðk. Cleanse internet presence (takes one month to clear blurts on intenr ~ 99USD). Make your exit plan if job is offered.

Can I really delete past internet presence? I have a lot of porn on my facebook postings.