interviews and open spots


make no mistake, we are interviewing for a few spots.

1.) almost all of the SL people so far have been told they dont have a job.
2.) access tm's have said that we are not being brought over, and they were right.
3.) the conference call message we received is BS. this includes everything we have been hearing from our DM's and above
4.) they are acting like they dont know what territories are open...yet, they know which ones are filled? do the math guys, you are not fooling anyone. it would be better if you just came out and said you want to place/hire your own people. at least we would respect you a little more.
5.) nothing like a recruiter calling my friend for an opening near me...and then, not being told myself. did you actually think we wouldnt hear you are doing interviews with outside candidates.

great job guys. Bard doing the right thing again....

I was told in my interview with the RM from Access that they were actually downsizing Access from 112 territories to 95. I was told to wait and see how this shakes out over the next week?? WTF? I ve been with compnay for almost a decade and a consitent performer with SL and this is how i am treated?

I would expect this from a hostile takeover by an outside company but we are ALL BARD employees yet suddenly some are more equal then others.

Way to go Bard and where is RH, DH and MB in all this and why is Access calling all the shots??? Stand up for your people guys or watch them go to your competitors and eat your Bard lunch.

I was told in my interview with the RM from Access that they were actually downsizing Access from 112 territories to 95. I was told to wait and see how this shakes out over the next week?? WTF? I ve been with compnay for almost a decade and a consitent performer with SL and this is how i am treated?

I would expect this from a hostile takeover by an outside company but we are ALL BARD employees yet suddenly some are more equal then others.

Way to go Bard and where is RH, DH and MB in all this and why is Access calling all the shots??? Stand up for your people guys or watch them go to your competitors and eat your Bard lunch.

Boy!! I bet the threat of the StatLock team eating Bard's lunch Really has em shaking!! hahahahaha

Boy!! I bet the threat of the StatLock team eating Bard's lunch Really has em shaking!! hahahahaha

It should given the fact that Statlock is the most profitable division and product for ALL of Bard. Given the fact that Bard Access cant hit it's number and is losing business everywhere and combine that with Bard stock being in the low $80's I would think JW and TR care an awful lot about whether or not Bard and Statlock remain profitable.

I wouldnt get to high on yourself (higher would be more accurate). there are a number of BAS people losing their gig as well. a handful so SL TM's were kept on and asked not to say anything, but of course, no one has kept anything quiet in this whole process, so why start now.

so why would they be asked to keep it quiet....hmmmmmmm...oh, i know... because the TM in that area isnt making the cut. I would call your SL tm's and ask them if they have a spot...if they do, you probably dont.

welcome to the new reality of Bard....think i am lying...wait until Sunday Night....

This situation sucks. I feel badly for all the SL reps, however I feel inclined to clarify the comments about profit. SL may be the highest profit %, but not even close to the highest profit division on an over all basis. Davol has always had that title. We sell $100 pigskin for 17k.

Seems the SL dominoes continue to fall while the BAS folks are kept in the dark about their fate. A lot of good and decent SL reps have been cut or put in a holding pattern this week and that's a shame. I am a SL TM that made it and thus far I could not be more disappointed in Bard and any less impressed with BAS and how they have conducted themselves the past two months.

Sad heart in SL

good luck- while you find out you have no job....and next week when you find out your package wont float you and your family for 60 days, not to mention Christmas(hope you dont have kids) your leader MB I heard was on vacation on some island and recievied a great package. "the greatest trick the devil ever did was convince the world he exist" what comes around goes around, you will get yours.....I promise!

dont blame MB, RH or DH for this. This is one guy who launches one product after another, yet cannot make a division profitable once his PICC lines became a commodity. He is leaving a path of destruction, and JW is not bright enough to read into this.

Although BMD will take some blame on not developing SL, wait and see what this merger does for BAS/BPV. the good reps are gone, and JB and his smoking buddies are running this place into the ground.

this is just my opinion, and i dont hold any hard feeling toward either division. buti would love to see anyone intellignetly argue any of these points. BAS should be ashamed of hos they were represented throughout this process, and i have not heard one positive from any member of any division.

I wouldnt get to high on yourself (higher would be more accurate). there are a number of BAS people losing their gig as well. a handful so SL TM's were kept on and asked not to say anything, but of course, no one has kept anything quiet in this whole process, so why start now.

so why would they be asked to keep it quiet....hmmmmmmm...oh, i know... because the TM in that area isnt making the cut. I would call your SL tm's and ask them if they have a spot...if they do, you probably dont.

welcome to the new reality of Bard....think i am lying...wait until Sunday Night....

Where are you getting Access people are getting displaced and are you saying that they are telling them on Sunday night?