Interviews and new hire process and training


The company seems like is hiring can you tell me what the interview process will be if you have a interview with manager and there manager /final interview. do they make offers fairly qucikly? and once you start whats the process wait time, and how long is the sales training and where is it located / do you have to stay in georgia for training and if so how long? do they increase pay over time, anyone been with the company for a few years, whats it like working for this company?????? any info helpful thanks
Don’t bother. Company has become a joke. You could work there for a long time and depending on your manager be treated like you don’t matter. Some managers are very good and fight for their employees. Others are weak and care about themselves only. So many have left and are leaving. The owner turned this company ugly. Things got sloppy in HR. They left things in copier, talk about employees, big gossiper in the back that talks too much at her desk. Employees salaries known. People leave for more money and the company never tried to retain them. You could be here years and new team hires get higher salary to start then people here a long time. And we saw these people nothing special there.
The company seems like is hiring can you tell me what the interview process will be if you have a interview with manager and there manager /final interview. do they make offers fairly qucikly? and once you start whats the process wait time, and how long is the sales training and where is it located / do you have to stay in georgia for training and if so how long? do they increase pay over time, anyone been with the company for a few years, whats it like working for this company?????? any info helpful thanks
What position and area? Because pay is determined by team and you can get more. This company low balls big time. They let people walk that are winners and then hire or advertise big salaries on LinkedIn. Even a new manager on new team has salary range hire than what some of us tenured reps make or even our managers went to HR with our VP to get us close to. That will tell you look elsewhere. We all are. A few managers will fight for you but hr doesn’t care
Don’t you guys deliver vitamin samples? How much could that pay?
I worked here years ago. A friend of mine that worked here married someone that still works here. She said this company is a joke. Everyone left for more money. They don’t pay or treat employees right. She has so much dirt in this company. (So so I now) guess people should hope we stay friendly.
I worked here years ago. A friend of mine that worked here married someone that still works here. She said this company is a joke. Everyone left for more money. They don’t pay or treat employees right. She has so much dirt in this company. (So so I now) guess people should hope we stay friendly.

“I could be a total whistle blower but I choose to not be.” Said no one ever! Go away loser.
Joke joke joke although some get treated differently then others. The entire place is disgusted unless you are one of the handful that aren’t getting shafted and it’s shameful. Will be downfall of company.