

Currently interviewing...says $140k @ plan. Is plan obtainable? Is the company heading in the right direction following a re-org? Any legit advice would help...thanks...

Just know that by asking this question on cafe pharma the majority of responses you will get are from bitter people who are either on a performance plan or have already been laid off or fired.
Not the most objective crew.

Listen up Son . Ethicon endo became its own Company in 1992. They had zero market share, now they have market share. So what you are seeing in hind vision is a market driven company that has ( is) transitioned from a sales driven to market driven company. So what does that mean to the sales reps( contract service reps). Well first lets look back again so you can see whats ahead of you ... In the beginning low salary, draw against a high commission , now higher salary , lower commission. Is it becoming a little more in focus now. JnJ is a great company and will continue to be a great company with you or with out you . The company owes you nothing unless you are blessed to be around long enough to get a pension . I hate to burst alot of egos but sales reps are not as important as you think we are. In a market driven company it is all about share...yep just like drug companies , and the last time I looked JnJ market growth is in Drugs. Devices which Ethicon Endo is is just a part of a sector. So yes it goes to the top and if you want to make money you need to get in managemnet to be able to get options ...,So play the game to get promoted , or just have an incredible opportunity as a rep and know that you have great benefits and just take direction and you will do okay in the long run

Lets not forget that ex-pharma, now GSG top cat - GP - quickly learned enough about the MD&D business to make some stellar acquisitions. $1.07BN for Mentor, $785MM for Acclarent. These are both doing wonderfully and expected to see a return on the original investment sometime in 2030. Of course it is all the fault of the market...