

I am interviewing for a distributor right now for an associate position. Is it worth it? I am excited about the opportunity but do not know how much a sales representatives make in this position.... Please help... Thanks!

What area are you interviewing for? Acumed as you know markets through distrib. and many dist. can be shady. Acumed has great products but it is important to get a good feel for the dist. you are interviewing with. From my experiance and research there are many dist. that under pay and take advantage of reps wanting to get into med. sales.

Above poster is right, research the hell out of the distributor. I'd talk to some of the accounts they service and find out how well they provide product. If your interviewing in the North East STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THE ASS IN ALBANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Acumed run for the hills. Great products, but awful distributors, most are the absolute scum of the earth. This company won't be around in 5 years, there is no way for it to survive.

Acumed run for the hills. Great products, but awful distributors, most are the absolute scum of the earth. This company won't be around in 5 years, there is no way for it to survive.

I have to disagree, i say the company will be done in sooner than 5 years.
i just left Acumed - corporate offices in oregon. the logistics managers are the worst. Angie has been reported to HR by almost every person she manages. i am surprised she still works there. Angie and teri have drove away good people and have surrounded themselves with mindless people.
i give them less than 5 years. try 3years and they will be looking for a job.
teri should try googleing herself. she will then see how people truley feel about her leadership.

Run like the wind my friend! Acumed for the most part hires idiots who can't get jobs at real companies and are just trying to break into the industry.

no shit, ACUMED only hires people that will conform to the bullshit. if you question the ethics of the management, you will be fired.
HR, will you please fire the shipping and customer serivce managers. while you are at it, get rid of that perverted regional manager that likes to hit on the young girls in logistics