Interviewing with RB selling Suboxone


Hi everyone, I just had my initial interview and was told this position is far different from big pharma which I have been in the last 5 years. I am excited at the opportunity to do something different that makes a difference. I had a few questions for you all.
*Training: Home study? Where is home base training conducted and how long?
*One product: Should I be concerned there is only one product or is that an advantage?
*What is a typical day like? I was told it is far different and you have to be sensitive during meetings etc
* We did not talk salary, what should I expect? It was hinted somewhere in the low 70s
* About how big is the sales force?
* Whats the car allowance?
* How many calls per day?

thank you for your time, I have heard nothing but positive things about this company and position out in the field talking with folks familiar with the company and position.

Not a bad gig. I have been here for a long time. Like it. fair car allowance. Salary in range. Future unknown. Yeah Yeah it vague but not going to give you answers to interview questions. It is different from pharma, mostly good. Baggage as with any very small company but most managers are decent. You will be looked at differently than just a "rep" in a good way.

Hi everyone, I just had my initial interview and was told this position is far different from big pharma which I have been in the last 5 years. I am excited at the opportunity to do something different that makes a difference. I had a few questions for you all.
*Training: Home study? Where is home base training conducted and how long?
*One product: Should I be concerned there is only one product or is that an advantage?
*What is a typical day like? I was told it is far different and you have to be sensitive during meetings etc
* We did not talk salary, what should I expect? It was hinted somewhere in the low 70s
* About how big is the sales force?
* Whats the car allowance?
* How many calls per day?

thank you for your time, I have heard nothing but positive things about this company and position out in the field talking with folks familiar with the company and position.

I will try my best to help. I am also an "old timer" (feather brochure days for insiders).
The company has changed a lot in the time I've been here. But I'd still do this every day over slinging samples for a computer signature and maybe 10 seconds with a doctor.

-Good car allowance and mileage too, you get to use your own car rather than be forced to drive a stupid Impala/Mini Van, etc. I went out and bought a new Subaru once I had my old car paid off. Salary is fair, but more is asked of you. Yes, you aren't just a "rep" to many docs, especially the ones that are already doing Suboxone treatment, but to others you are. That depends on you and your approach.
- The rest? Well I am like the first replier and not going to give away company secrets. But I will tell you that it has been a great company to work for. Sure it's like any other pharma company in some regards, and there are things I don't like. But overall, it's rewarding and demanding too. The future? Who knows? There has been the threat of a generic every quarter since Suboxone Tablets lost patent protection in 2009. Yet none have arrived. It's a matter of time I am sure. But, if they are interviewing you, that means they must not be too afraid of a generic, or else they wouldn't even be hiring.
Good Luck!!

Good company, above average salary and benefits great product. Managers are ridiculously incompetent. The most common, flat, uninspiring group of people I have ever worked with. Good luck with the interview. If you are lucky enough to be hired, you will see the managers in action at our meeting in October.

Thank you for the responses! I am looking forward to progressing in the process, if you have any interview tips I would appreciate it. This is the first company I have honestly been excited about interviewing for in part to the answers I received on this thread.

OP: how could you have had an "initial interview" and not asked those questions?!

Take it easy on the OP, jeez. First, you NEVER ask about salary on an initial interview. That's a big no no. Secondly, they seemed like legit questions to me. First interviews are often with recruiters anyway, so they're vague mostly. Lighten up.

OK, no disrespect here, but ey, green one, do some home work and do not come here for anything factual, except the part about 90% of the current staff being back stabbers. Yup, my wet behind the ears one, its cut throat time and if you do like being shit on, repeatedly, out of nowhere, by people you've never met and will never want to meet again, move on. Quickly.

OK, no disrespect here, but ey, green one, do some home work and do not come here for anything factual, except the part about 90% of the current staff being back stabbers. Yup, my wet behind the ears one, its cut throat time and if you do like being shit on, repeatedly, out of nowhere, by people you've never met and will never want to meet again, move on. Quickly.

This sounds like a bitter person and not a common event. Been here for a while and like my job and my area. So like this poster stated don't believe everything you see here. you sound like an experienced professional, interview and make up your own mind who to trust. Good luck.

Haha.....Rum! Why would anyone want to interview to ride on the Titanic?

Hi everyone, I just had my initial interview and was told this position is far different from big pharma which I have been in the last 5 years. I am excited at the opportunity to do something different that makes a difference. I had a few questions for you all.
*Training: Home study? Where is home base training conducted and how long?
*One product: Should I be concerned there is only one product or is that an advantage?
*What is a typical day like? I was told it is far different and you have to be sensitive during meetings etc
* We did not talk salary, what should I expect? It was hinted somewhere in the low 70s
* About how big is the sales force?
* Whats the car allowance?
* How many calls per day?

thank you for your time, I have heard nothing but positive things about this company and position out in the field talking with folks familiar with the company and position.

I've been here long enough to know that CLs can leave territories for whatever reason (maternity leave, RB internship, CL gets fired or quits, etc.), and as long as they have a decent core of Suboxone docs, those territories don't suffer much, if at all, sales-wise.

So why would RB take on the expense of hiring and training replacements for these empty territories if we are this ship is going to sink?? It takes $$ to hire, train, and get a new CL into a territory. That makes me think RB has something up its sleeve post-generic tabs. If we were leaving territories empty, then I'd worry. And I doubt it's just to keep up "appearances and morale" to keep everyone from jumping ship.

Just wait, there will be plenty jumping ship soon. The dumbass under the DOJ investigation here are too stupid to realize the axe is going to fall hard in terms of $$$. The all have their head in the sand as usual. Whether generic comes soon or not, we are screwed on so many violations it is going to be bad. The smart people will be leaving.

I've been here long enough to know that CLs can leave territories for whatever reason (maternity leave, RB internship, CL gets fired or quits, etc.), and as long as they have a decent core of Suboxone docs, those territories don't suffer much, if at all, sales-wise.

So why would RB take on the expense of hiring and training replacements for these empty territories if we are this ship is going to sink?? It takes $$ to hire, train, and get a new CL into a territory. That makes me think RB has something up its sleeve post-generic tabs. If we were leaving territories empty, then I'd worry. And I doubt it's just to keep up "appearances and morale" to keep everyone from jumping ship.

In reference to the "smart people will be leaving" comment. That is just the most funny damndest thing I've heard in a long time. Quite the contradiction in terms.

First, there are idiots here, many, who couldn't tell their ass from a hole in the ground.
I work with them, observe them and god forbid, have to put up with their sick self aggrandizing b.s.

Second, the smart people, people with decency and common sense, do exist here, but on a much smaller scale. They, having some sense, will never just quit over rumors.

No, in this economy, people prepare for the worst at all times, but they do not up and quit out of fear. Thats for the dumb asses.

The smart people are gone or looking for something better. We are going to be fined like the other poster stated, it is just a matter of time. What ethical pharma company has their reps calling on every specialty under the sun (can you say off label?) not to mention all the scum bag pill mills. There is another company as we speak getting a pain indication for their formulation of Suboxone. When then do, which will be soon, we will be toast.

In reference to the "smart people will be leaving" comment. That is just the most funny damndest thing I've heard in a long time. Quite the contradiction in terms.

First, there are idiots here, many, who couldn't tell their ass from a hole in the ground.
I work with them, observe them and god forbid, have to put up with their sick self aggrandizing b.s.

Second, the smart people, people with decency and common sense, do exist here, but on a much smaller scale. They, having some sense, will never just quit over rumors.

No, in this economy, people prepare for the worst at all times, but they do not up and quit out of fear. Thats for the dumb asses.

The smart people are gone or looking for something better. We are going to be fined like the other poster stated, it is just a matter of time. What ethical pharma company has their reps calling on every specialty under the sun (can you say off label?) not to mention all the scum bag pill mills. There is another company as we speak getting a pain indication for their formulation of Suboxone. When then do, which will be soon, we will be toast.

Kind of like Vivitrol has killed our sales? Or BuTrans? They all want a piece of us, and they all have failed so far. Hell even the generic Subutex hasn't done too much damage...Sure we'll pay a fine and admit nothing, but it isn't going to amount to much. This is a $1.5 billion drug in a company that is part of a multibillion dollar international corporation. Drop in the bucket.

They aren't spending a ton of $$ hiring new CLs to lay them off in 6 months. I'd be nervous if they weren't backfilling positions, and they are. The generic will hurt us but it won't kill us. There are 180 or so of us, not 1,000 or 5,000.

Kind of like Vivitrol has killed our sales? Or BuTrans? They all want a piece of us, and they all have failed so far. Hell even the generic Subutex hasn't done too much damage...Sure we'll pay a fine and admit nothing, but it isn't going to amount to much. This is a $1.5 billion drug in a company that is part of a multibillion dollar international corporation. Drop in the bucket.

They aren't spending a ton of $$ hiring new CLs to lay them off in 6 months. I'd be nervous if they weren't backfilling positions, and they are. The generic will hurt us but it won't kill us. There are 180 or so of us, not 1,000 or 5,000.

Seriously? What else is left to sell? DO you really think the the payers will care if its film or tablet? Just keep listening to the BS that the managers are slinging.