Interviewing (what is it like to work for GE)


I am scheduled to interview the end of February with GE HC.

What is it like to work with your firm, its culture, pay?

Is there a difference between the Sales and Operations culture within GE HC?

Thanks for any help!

Think bureaucracy ... think people ready to stab you in the back.

If it were between working for GE and having an honest job, I'd take the latter. Even if it were night clerk at a convenience store that was robbed every night.

Well, as long as your o.k. with letting the customer down then this is a great place. Think G.E. first, everything and everyone else last - including your pride and family. As far as the operations side, I am on the sales side and I can tell you the operations side is a cluster.

Your interview will never happen because the numbers suck right now and a hiring freeze is inevitable. Count your blessings on this . . .