Interviewing this week....


Can a relatively newly hired rep tell me what to expect for a starting base with some experience? Also, how much vacation time does Forest offer & what is their bonus structure?

Been with Forest for 1 year now. Biggest mistake of my life.. Expect salary of about 50k to start and be micromanaged from the get go. I'm already looking for another job to get me out of here.

Selling Teflaro.....worst company Ever! Have been looking for a new job since.....basically since I started.

- Do not pay for copy paper (even though were required to use it)
- One ink cartridge (black) per month ( need color or more black, you pay for it)
- $55.00 for all communication related expenses per month
- $25.00 per NIGHT per-diem... That's $100.00 per week to eat and that includes tax & tip
- Most managers requiring some type of night and weekend call

These are just SOME of the reasons to stay away from Forest! Been a Hospital Rep for about 15 years, I had know idea forest could be this bad!! I find myself embarrassed to even tell my friends and customers who I work for!!!

Hope this helps... If you have any ability to go elsewhere, TAKE IT!!!!!!!!

So annoying! Especially in this job market. Yea, starting salary approximately 55k, plus free car and good benefits with 401k and profit sharing. Are there really that many opportunities offering so much better? Bonus varies greatly from 10k to 30k+ per year. This varies by territory but I have made over 100k for 7 years. Your happiness will greatly depend on your region, division, and manager. They are NOT all the same. It's lame for anyone to blanket 400+ territories.

So annoying! Especially in this job market. Yea, starting salary approximately 55k, plus free car and good benefits with 401k and profit sharing. Are there really that many opportunities offering so much better? Bonus varies greatly from 10k to 30k+ per year. This varies by territory but I have made over 100k for 7 years. Your happiness will greatly depend on your region, division, and manager. They are NOT all the same. It's lame for anyone to blanket 400+ territories.

You're so right, it's so lame to blanket all 400 territories - there are only 397 fucked up ones with fucked up managers!

So annoying! Especially in this job market. Yea, starting salary approximately 55k, plus free car and good benefits with 401k and profit sharing. Are there really that many opportunities offering so much better? Bonus varies greatly from 10k to 30k+ per year. This varies by territory but I have made over 100k for 7 years. Your happiness will greatly depend on your region, division, and manager. They are NOT all the same. It's lame for anyone to blanket 400+ territories.

you must be a manager in training who is trying to climb up the shit hole managerial ladder.
i worked at this shit company for three horrific year! this by far was the worst experience ever. also, lets just clarify here. it is not just the managers. even if you think you got agood one they all get brought into the cult of forest. i actually started out making in the 70s base salary (they have since stopped this practice from what i hear) but i still left this company.
i too am so embarrassed to say i ever worked here. if you take this job just keep loooking.
oh and good luck at training. i had a 9 month old child at home during the 30 days training and was told i could not go home on weekends to see her because it would be "distracting"

I completely agree with all of these posts. I have been with forest for ten years and have seen the company deteriorate quickly. You will be micromanaged and expect to "slang" doctors for prescriptions. They say we need to partner up with these docs. We are not partnering, we go in begging for prescriptions just to keep our damn jobs!

I interviewed with Forest and I'm happy to say I didn't get the job. I thought the recruiter on site at the hotel was a Slimmy Slick Jerk. Why a company would let him represent them is beyond me - Totally Unprofessional. The Manager I interviewed with appeared to be totally clueless. I'm glad I found another opportunity.

I completely agree with all of these posts. I have been with forest for ten years and have seen the company deteriorate quickly. You will be micromanaged and expect to "slang" doctors for prescriptions. They say we need to partner up with these docs. We are not partnering, we go in begging for prescriptions just to keep our damn jobs!

This poster is right, I am a well tenured rep as well, don't take the job, you will regret it and if you accept the position DO NOT TRUST ANYONE!!

Well, I didn't get the job. My heart was not in the interview & I think they knew it. I currently work for a smaller pharma company that seems to have better benefits than Forest although a smaller base....but, money isn't everything...right?? I guess I'll take my 5 weeks vacation & be happy. This type of job NEEDS battery RE-CHARGE time...they're not helping themselves by working ya'll so hard! Good luck out there.

I was at Forest for a little over a year, the company has very good Benefits if you have a family, but the stress and micro managing are not worth the constant badgering and ENDLESS BUSY WORK they give you. They seem to be TOTALLY CLUELESS as to the lack of seeable Dr.'s in the North and they will ride your ass until you basically tell them to go and fuck themselves... I left a short time ago and can't believe the shit we put up with.... BRAINWASHING 101, read it before you go in....

Rep of 10 years, finally got an offer from another company, can not wait to put in my resignation, this place used to be great, has gone to shit in last year or so, stay away, seriously

Can a relatively newly hired rep tell me what to expect for a starting base with some experience? Also, how much vacation time does Forest offer & what is their bonus structure?

Basically $52,000 + and they will own your soul day and night. You will be up late answering e-mails, filling out reports, doing expense reports, submitting programs etc. The manager you interview with will give you an inflated story of what you can expect to earn in bonus. You don't get any vacation until you have worked for them for 6 months and then you only get 5 days. You have to work for them for a year before you get the standard 2 weeks that any normal employer would offer.
I have lots of experience in this industry - Forest is not a good company to work for. They under pay their reps compared to the competition and do not measure up in terms of vacation time either. Also, they start their reps out on probation so when they show them the door 6 months later, they do not have to pay them any severence. With Forest it is all about getting signatures - not selling - a real backwards company. And they also do little to keep their reps up to date in terms of training - coming from a rep that has been on both sides of the fence. There are some nice people at Forest, but it's not a place I would recommend and certainly not a place I would want to retire from. When they recruit new reps, they often send out messages saying they want reps with no pharmaceutical experience. Why do you think that is? Let me tell you #1 they can pay them A LOT less and #2 that rep never realizes the stupid business decisions they are making because they have never seen anything else.

Oh yeah and one of the previous posters was right - they won't even pay for an ink pen! - much less the paper it takes to print off your expense report, sticky notes, paper clips, staples or anything else you need to run your business - including they won't even buy you a calendar to write your appointments in! They give you $50 to start - ummmm that would buy one box of paper...nothing else. I guess they don't expect their employees to stick around any longer than that and what amazes me is the dumb ones that put up with this and say nothing!

I used to love this company and now I hate it. The managers micro manage like crazzzzzy! They always say, I hate to act like I am micromanaging but!!!! And get ready for stupid reports for no reason!!! AWFUL WORKING EXPERIENCE. AND YES I WILL QUIT WHEN I GET MY NEXT BONUS!!! AND I MIGHT SHOW MY A@# AT POA!