Interviewing information please help


I am in the process of interviewing. Can anyone tell me about the leadership, the director is a guy named BZ (Brian Zediker)? Territory is not defined don't know the manager yet.

BZ? Hope he was not the one you had / or will have to interview with. He's a legend in his own mind, but his mind is filled with BS and anger! I worked for him once upon a time.....
he is well known at ISI for being a total A**hole. While I was with ISI, he was the head of the GYN reps, but that division failed. So they put him in as the EPR Manager.....but that division failed. I heard that he is now the CSD on the clinical side...hmmmmm. How do you get promoted after you fail, fail, fail....and treat people like garbage? If you speak to ANYONE at ISI and ask their opinion of this guy, your sure to get an ear full of unpleasant honesty. I'd be willing to bet that ANYONE working for BZ wouldn't have a single good thing to say about him as a person, or his character in the work place. RUN from this interview if you have to work with BZ. ISI was a good place to work, but he will make it miserable. The job was tough enough without all the extra BS that he puts on everyone around him. He sucks! Plenty of good people to work for at ISI , but he is NOT one of them. find a position where you don't report to that miserable human being and you'll love the job. Best of Luck

It is amazing that BZ's reputation has traveled to other regions! Probably because everyone is watching to see if after all of the damage he has done--to customers, his own managers and reps--how senior leadership handles him; if nothing changes, the message to the sales force will be loud and clear: if you have zero self-awareness, low emotional intelligence, a laundry list of f-ups (and by the way, no one wants to work for/with you), as long as someone in leadership likes you, you can stay at ISI.