interviewing in dallas


interviewing this week in dallas any advice. thats a long day to make you fly in and out. are they picking up airport parking and meals? sorry this is trival im sure but when funds ard tight that makes a differnce . also any truth from people who have interviewed that they had made their choice before you got there. thank you for any honest answers

Can someone please clarify....are there 2 contract job interviews going at the same time for Diabetes??? One contract is for selling the once daily Byetta and what is the other diabetes contract for....or is there only 1.

Hmmmmm I'm interviewing in philly this week....I know people from philly, pa who had to fly to dallas for an interview....why would they fly them to Dallas when they live in Philly to begin with......also when you go on the Inventiv website.....for my area there are 2 diabetes sales positions one that REQUIRES Diabetes exp and one that just prefers it. I hope you are my competition cause I kick ass at interviews and have an awesome personality:) Oh and diabetes exp!!!!!!

Two above posts who wanted to try and belittle me......I'm right there are 2 Diabetes Contracts....One selling Symlin to Specialists and the other selling once daily Byetts to FP.....I HOPE you are my competition:) Looks like I did my homework and you both did not!

Hmmmmm I'm interviewing in philly this week....I know people from philly, pa who had to fly to dallas for an interview....why would they fly them to Dallas when they live in Philly to begin with......also when you go on the Inventiv website.....for my area there are 2 diabetes sales positions one that REQUIRES Diabetes exp and one that just prefers it. I hope you are my competition cause I kick ass at interviews and have an awesome personality:) Oh and diabetes exp!!!!!!

yeah you sound like you have an awesome personality. NOT! asshole

You really think I'm not intelligent enough to research the product before I go to an interview.....please!!!! I hope u 2 idiots are my competition...seriously! I meant once weekly the entire time......if I went to the interview saying once daily that's a different story! BTW I used to sell Byetta so yeah please be my competition:)