

What attracted me to Castle was the Canons. The promise of something different. I talked to my DVP through the interview process. Read the Castle Times and was blown away. Here was/is a company that can get work done and have some fun along the way. It was and it remains a concept that can and does work. It is a simple concept. It is not as simple to execute. Castle has proven how difficult it is. Especially for people who don't understand how to make it work in the field. The only people having this "fun" are the home office people. Not the field folks. Maybe when they go in for training or a meeting. But not the day to day folks out in the field generating the money for these fun times. The field reps are pressured to do a ridiculous amount of cold calls that mathematically become impossible because you only have a finite number of offices in your territory. The sales approach is based on relationships that they say you need to buid, but don't give you time to build. The DVPS and Rob have these mythical tales of sales greatness. All unverifiable. The company had some sort of exedus of real talent some time back. Those accounts seem to have been split amount some people who are now DVPS. Now the DVPs brag about how they drove into a town and every door they knocked on was a sale. Legend has it Rob has a 90-95% closing rate. I'll let you decide. All of this to say, if it looks and sounds to good to be true, it probably is. In Castle's case it is definitely true. No two ways about it. Do not fall for the hype. The tox industry is going to get hit hard anyway. Don't leave something steady for the dollar signs they promise.

What attracted me to Castle was the Canons. The promise of something different. I talked to my DVP through the interview process. Read the Castle Times and was blown away. Here was/is a company that can get work done and have some fun along the way. It was and it remains a concept that can and does work. It is a simple concept. It is not as simple to execute. Castle has proven how difficult it is. Especially for people who don't understand how to make it work in the field. The only people having this "fun" are the home office people. Not the field folks. Maybe when they go in for training or a meeting. But not the day to day folks out in the field generating the money for these fun times. The field reps are pressured to do a ridiculous amount of cold calls that mathematically become impossible because you only have a finite number of offices in your territory. The sales approach is based on relationships that they say you need to buid, but don't give you time to build. The DVPS and Rob have these mythical tales of sales greatness. All unverifiable. The company had some sort of exedus of real talent some time back. Those accounts seem to have been split amount some people who are now DVPS. Now the DVPs brag about how they drove into a town and every door they knocked on was a sale. Legend has it Rob has a 90-95% closing rate. I'll let you decide. All of this to say, if it looks and sounds to good to be true, it probably is. In Castle's case it is definitely true. No two ways about it. Do not fall for the hype. The tox industry is going to get hit hard anyway. Don't leave something steady for the dollar signs they promise.

Just this today after I wrote this this morning. Hmmmmmm.|maing11|dl24|sec1_lnk1&pLid=86670969

L the DVP was late and moved back an interview I had. A Skype interview the day after Christmas. I was at the in-laws 90 minutes away from my house. So I left a family gathering to get to my home to do the skype and He postpones for over an hour. Should have known then he was just a little bag of hot air. What a waste of time and effort. L, before you get all puffed up over this, I still have the texts to prove it. So stop telling anyone who you force to listen to you, that it is not true. If you had any of the skills you brag about you should have been an le to manage the long winded stupid stories you tell, and kept your calls on schedule. But it is all about you and your 34-36 years of sales management and your 25-40% closing rate. Both numbers above changed so many times it was hard to keep track. Sounds like someone has your number on here. What makes me laugh is I know you have had conference calls about the posts here. You had to expect the truth to get you eventually.

L the DVP was late and moved back an interview I had. A Skype interview the day after Christmas. I was at the in-laws 90 minutes away from my house. So I left a family gathering to get to my home to do the skype and He postpones for over an hour. Should have known then he was just a little bag of hot air. What a waste of time and effort. L, before you get all puffed up over this, I still have the texts to prove it. So stop telling anyone who you force to listen to you, that it is not true. If you had any of the skills you brag about you should have been an le to manage the long winded stupid stories you tell, and kept your calls on schedule. But it is all about you and your 34-36 years of sales management and your 25-40% closing rate. Both numbers above changed so many times it was hard to keep track. Sounds like someone has your number on here. What makes me laugh is I know you have had conference calls about the posts here. You had to expect the truth to get you eventually.

Dude it has to be so difficult for L not to come on here screaming. I might feel bed for him but he sounds like a tool.

L the DVP was late and moved back an interview I had. A Skype interview the day after Christmas. I was at the in-laws 90 minutes away from my house. So I left a family gathering to get to my home to do the skype and He postpones for over an hour. Should have known then he was just a little bag of hot air. What a waste of time and effort. L, before you get all puffed up over this, I still have the texts to prove it. So stop telling anyone who you force to listen to you, that it is not true. If you had any of the skills you brag about you should have been an le to manage the long winded stupid stories you tell, and kept your calls on schedule. But it is all about you and your 34-36 years of sales management and your 25-40% closing rate. Both numbers above changed so many times it was hard to keep track. Sounds like someone has your number on here. What makes me laugh is I know you have had conference calls about the posts here. You had to expect the truth to get you eventually.

L's real sales experience came from the love shack, as a match maker. He is clueless in this space and you can tell. He has little man syndrome as you can clearly see by his response to his own insecurities. He is insecure around doctors so he puts up a front. He is very disrespectful to our professionals in the medical field, calling doctors smart @$$'s and that we must win psychological warfare against the doctor. He likes build himself up by calling doctors arrogant jerks and his goal is to out argue physicians and try to show superiority. He passes this discontent to his reps and it is very disrespectful and unfulfilling to the "why" that Rob and Scott talk about. Can't bring truth and common sense back to healthcare if you bash on the people who sacrifice many years and spend countless hours studying to save lives. Doctors can be difficult to work with, but at the end of the day they are our customer, and the customer is always right!

Rob surrounds himself with guys like L because they will do what he wants and won't challenge his lack of knowledge and experience in his role, and will always push to keep Rob where he is by keeping solid reps down. L doesn't have the full package and is insecure of those who he perceives to be more groomed, all of the DVP's are because deep down they know that they do not have the intellect to grow a company this big, especially with the multiple visions and innovative direction that Scott envisions. They are not executives, but every single one of them sees themselves as an executive down the road. They are good enough to fill middle management positions, which their current one is, They should be called district mangers not district Vice Presidents. Scott truly is a visionary, he will just need to raise people past the DVP and Rob, or bring in outside execs who truly know the complexities of each project Scott wants to take on.

Funny thing that Rob worked for L in the "love shack" business. If he was hard up, you think he would of taken a commission outside b2b job, but he probably didn't know anything about outside sales, just like he doesn't understand now. Also, it is interesting that he brags about being on commission right now, I would to if I were him. The company is built and samples rolling in, it only makes sense that he would want that because he would make more money; if he would have started out like from the beginning, that would be worthy of bragging about.

L's real sales experience came from the love shack, as a match maker. He is clueless in this space and you can tell. He has little man syndrome as you can clearly see by his response to his own insecurities. He is insecure around doctors so he puts up a front. He is very disrespectful to our professionals in the medical field, calling doctors smart @$$'s and that we must win psychological warfare against the doctor. He likes build himself up by calling doctors arrogant jerks and his goal is to out argue physicians and try to show superiority. He passes this discontent to his reps and it is very disrespectful and unfulfilling to the "why" that Rob and Scott talk about. Can't bring truth and common sense back to healthcare if you bash on the people who sacrifice many years and spend countless hours studying to save lives. Doctors can be difficult to work with, but at the end of the day they are our customer, and the customer is always right!

Rob surrounds himself with guys like L because they will do what he wants and won't challenge his lack of knowledge and experience in his role, and will always push to keep Rob where he is by keeping solid reps down. L doesn't have the full package and is insecure of those who he perceives to be more groomed, all of the DVP's are because deep down they know that they do not have the intellect to grow a company this big, especially with the multiple visions and innovative direction that Scott envisions. They are not executives, but every single one of them sees themselves as an executive down the road. They are good enough to fill middle management positions, which their current one is, They should be called district mangers not district Vice Presidents. Scott truly is a visionary, he will just need to raise people past the DVP and Rob, or bring in outside execs who truly know the complexities of each project Scott wants to take on.

Funny thing that Rob worked for L in the "love shack" business. If he was hard up, you think he would of taken a commission outside b2b job, but he probably didn't know anything about outside sales, just like he doesn't understand now. Also, it is interesting that he brags about being on commission right now, I would to if I were him. The company is built and samples rolling in, it only makes sense that he would want that because he would make more money; if he would have started out like from the beginning, that would be worthy of bragging about.

The love shack. Need to know more about this.

I think that person is referring to the match making business L use to operate. That is his sales background.

All very good points. When the DVP's did a presentation for us showing us how to knock on doors and conduct yourself in a lunch it was horrible. Here I was drinking the Kool-Aid and then they presented and they clearly did not know what they were doing. L did lunches with anyone who would let him in the door without even verifying that they were a good candidate from what I could tell. This is when the doubt started. I agree the CEO is a visionary but he has the wrong person in the wrong seat to lead the sales effort. Rob was not hired during his first bid for the job. I admire that he went back and convinced them that he was the right hire but you know the Peter Principle. Everyone will be promoted to their position of incompetence and this has happened here. A dating service is not at all like medical sales.

Definitely "Blood in The Streets" at Castle! This time they have hired a bunch of experienced salespersons that have the capacity and capability to Clean all their Clocks in the endeavor of sales performance and experience!!!

When you have a successful sales force selling for you and it fails time and time again, it's time to re evaluate your managers. LMAO welcome to THE OCTAGON SON !!!!!!

I think that person is referring to the match making business L use to operate. That is his sales background.

So his, L, 34-36 years of sales management was in a matchmaking business. Ha. Doesn't even have to be all of it. It just exposes the lie that he is. He is a clown. I also saw a text he sent that says he was visiting an account that HE AND ROB closed a while back. The greatest sales person ever had to bring in Rob, the greatest martial artist ever, in to help him close?! How can that be? Why would either need to be with the other? Lou said he taught Rob everything he knows about sales. That is abundantly clear. L also said Rob BEGGED him to be a DVP because he was such a great sales manager and teacher. Yea, that certainly would not explain any massive turnover he has. Scott is clearly out of touch on all of this. Castle is a great concept. The problem is the incompetent idiots making the decisions.

I see they have let the quackropractor hire four more victims (I mean sales representatives) how many people does he need to churn and burn? What is this about 26 people now for one Regional in less then one year? I am not sure about the exact number but somewhere close to that.