What attracted me to Castle was the Canons. The promise of something different. I talked to my DVP through the interview process. Read the Castle Times and was blown away. Here was/is a company that can get work done and have some fun along the way. It was and it remains a concept that can and does work. It is a simple concept. It is not as simple to execute. Castle has proven how difficult it is. Especially for people who don't understand how to make it work in the field. The only people having this "fun" are the home office people. Not the field folks. Maybe when they go in for training or a meeting. But not the day to day folks out in the field generating the money for these fun times. The field reps are pressured to do a ridiculous amount of cold calls that mathematically become impossible because you only have a finite number of offices in your territory. The sales approach is based on relationships that they say you need to buid, but don't give you time to build. The DVPS and Rob have these mythical tales of sales greatness. All unverifiable. The company had some sort of exedus of real talent some time back. Those accounts seem to have been split amount some people who are now DVPS. Now the DVPs brag about how they drove into a town and every door they knocked on was a sale. Legend has it Rob has a 90-95% closing rate. I'll let you decide. All of this to say, if it looks and sounds to good to be true, it probably is. In Castle's case it is definitely true. No two ways about it. Do not fall for the hype. The tox industry is going to get hit hard anyway. Don't leave something steady for the dollar signs they promise.