Hi! I'm interviewing with MDL for an account manager position in Chicago. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or comments about that position or location. Thanks!
Hi! I'm interviewing with MDL for an account manager position in Chicago. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or comments about that position or location. Thanks!
keep looking, and run for the hills. this place is the dumps. who on earth wants to work for $35K and no bonus?? better off bartending or waiting tables.
It's the best place in the world to work. You'll love it. You'll make alot of money with great benefits. Management team is the best anywhere. We need people exactly like you.
Absolutely false!!!! 36k is not alt of money. You may make 5000 per yr. in bonus so call it 41000. Not even close to a lot of money. Health insurance is so expense most of us have opted out. Our competitors are killing us. Management team is %100 female and the worst I have ever seen.
The managers post on this website and it is likely this post was from one of them. Please please read through these post. I wish I would have. I tried to go into this job disregarding the negative comments and now I wish I would have heaved the warning. It's worth the wait to find something else
Management team is %100 female and the worst I have ever seen.
How many of the managers did you work for that you would know they are all the worst you have ever seen?
Absolutely false!!!! 36k is not alt of money. You may make 5000 per yr. in bonus so call it 41000. Not even close to a lot of money. Health insurance is so expense most of us have opted out. Our competitors are killing us. Management team is %100 female and the worst I have ever seen.
The managers post on this website and it is likely this post was from one of them. Please please read through these post. I wish I would have. I tried to go into this job disregarding the negative comments and now I wish I would have heaved the warning. It's worth the wait to find something else place in the world to work at. You get a salary and a company car. Please..........come work for us. We need you...............we need anybody.