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Interview with District Manager and Regional Manager Next Week


I have a 2nd round interview scheduled for next week with the District Manager and the Regional Manager. Can anyone give me any insight on what this might mean? Is this to give me the green light (aka regional manager approval) or is this to decide between several candidates including me based on regional manager feedback?


Why don't you do your best in the interview, act as if this is your one shot and ask them if they have other candidates in mind! Is this your first job out of college or something? Even if they were going to give you the "green light" why would that matter? If you want the job you have to take it! My advice to the DM and RD would be not to hire someone like you! What a dumb fucking question to ask!

Thanks #1. As you know different pharma companies have different cultures. BI, as I understand it, tends to be more conservative so I thought perhaps someone could shed some light on the process.

#2 - I'm kind of surprised by your response. Most of the BI reps I know aren't assholes. You must be one of those lazy, Inventiv reps whose job is up for grabs?

It depends on what part of the country you are in all the RD's do business differently. In my part of the country it would mean you probably have the job, but you know what they say "never assume anything".

Thanks #1. As you know different pharma companies have different cultures. BI, as I understand it, tends to be more conservative so I thought perhaps someone could shed some light on the process.

#2 - I'm kind of surprised by your response. Most of the BI reps I know aren't assholes. You must be one of those lazy, Inventiv reps whose job is up for grabs?


Thanks #1. As you know different pharma companies have different cultures. BI, as I understand it, tends to be more conservative so I thought perhaps someone could shed some light on the process.

#2 - I'm kind of surprised by your response. Most of the BI reps I know aren't assholes. You must be one of those lazy, Inventiv reps whose job is up for grabs?

based on your response, you clearly are a young clueless idiot

I don't know about any other region than my own, but it is NOT a done deal when you get an interview with a regional director. There may more than one person who has an interview for that same position. Be prepared to explain the disease state for whatever product you are going to be selling, as well as the mechanism of action for that class of drugs. Know background information about BI. Answer questions in STAR format. Maybe someone else, who doesn't have a bone to pick with every post that is written, can help you more. Good luck.

At my RD meeting I had to relate a book I've read in the past with how I will conduct my business. Just so happens I had to read "The Oz Principle" and write a report on it by some prick of a upper-manager at another company. It was fresh enough in my mind to use in my BI interview. Then I had to use my brag book to further prove I was a "winner". Then close. If you treat this RD meet as a joke then kiss your ass good-bye.

At my RD meeting I had to relate a book I've read in the past with how I will conduct my business. Just so happens I had to read "The Oz Principle" and write a report on it by some prick of a upper-manager at another company. It was fresh enough in my mind to use in my BI interview. Then I had to use my brag book to further prove I was a "winner". Then close. If you treat this RD meet as a joke then kiss your ass good-bye.

This is the perfect example of why pharma is such a joke. You have to prove just how worthy you are to do this job all so you can just drive around and collect sigs.

If your interviewing against a current Ventiv Rep filling the slot your interviewing for, do you have a chance and can you give any suggestions to snare the job!

Tell the manager you are going up against the ventive rep in takeda job last month and know his ventiv rep is a job jumper - great way to create doubt in managers mind