Interview with bard biopsy


I've read the threads here but most are outdated and I'm wondering if anyone has current info on bard biopsy and if it is a good job to pursue? I'm currently an Ortho rep. What I've been told is that they recently merged with another company are there are a lot of unhappy people.

Can I make 150k, be allowed to run my business, and not have a manager breathing down my neck? Is there a decent culture and strong leadership? Any mature replies will be appreciated. Thanks

This is the real deal! 150 is at plan, and most people are happy here. New products are powerful, and not difficult to sell. This division is going places, dont be fooled by the negative posts. We have a great leadership team in place, and the marketing dept. rocks

Beware, Beware, Beware!!!! Just ask alot of questions and if you really think about it you already have most of the answers to your question. 1. Interview postponed 2. Management/position change. You can tell the BBS Ship is Sinking!!! Ask how many "vacant positons" are open just in the NorthEast area alone. And then if you are REALLY brave, ask the question about how many "vacant positions" are across the entire Nation! Beware, Beware, Beware!!!!!

Nice to see respectable conversation here for a change. Anyone have experience with Davol? Other threads have not been saying good things recently. Hoping to get actual feedback on Davol's current market position and company culture. Any insight to working at Davol would be appreciated....Have interview next week.
Thank you.

Nice to see respectable conversation here for a change. Anyone have experience with Davol? Other threads have not been saying good things recently. Hoping to get actual feedback on Davol's current market position and company culture. Any insight to working at Davol would be appreciated....Have interview next week.
Thank you.

Davol depends on territory-rely on yourself to succeed because management is both clueless and semi worthless.lot of changes now and they just changed our comp plan for the worse-good products, bad leadership-expect to work hard battling the other 90 reps selling the same crap.nobody making money now because commodity

Nothing game changing-every company has mesh that works- all about price.we all have tackers, bio's and synthetic mesh-all depends what flavor kook aid you drink- doc uses your stuff today and competitors tomorrow.

talking about breast biopsy...markers, needles, tomo, etc Positions open at all 3 companies and I am willing to move. Who has share, momentum right now?