Interview questions


Asked by dipshits who couldn’t identify a trend or create a strategy if they were responsible for growing prescriptions. These guys are muppets. Embarrassing.
Or, someone who’s never to pharma sales and genuinely asking for help. But given the fact that you have time to comment on a post that shouldn’t be very relevant to you, since you are tenured, I’d say things may not be going well for you right now. VERY embarassing.

Or, someone who’s never to pharma sales and genuinely asking for help. But given the fact that you have time to comment on a post that shouldn’t be very relevant to you, since you are tenured, I’d say things may not be going well for you right now. VERY embarassing.
I was referring to the lame managers when I said they wouldn’t know how to spot a trend or build a strategy. Not the individuals who are interviewing asking the question.