Interview Questions


Questions for interviewer:

1). With such awful morale currently, what is Galderma doing to improve this?

2). Why has Galderma retained regional managers who are polarizing and have added such little value in their role?

3). Why do the regionals not conduct business inline with the company's mission statement and value for patients?

4). Why does this organization have such low diversity profiles with race and gender?

5). Why did this company hire an executive back after he violated a major hr policy?

6). Why are you hiring for this position when layoffs are on the horizon... Again?

Questions for interviewer:

1). With such awful morale currently, what is Galderma doing to improve this?

2). Why has Galderma retained regional managers who are polarizing and have added such little value in their role?

3). Why do the regionals not conduct business inline with the company's mission statement and value for patients?

4). Why does this organization have such low diversity profiles with race and gender?

5). Why did this company hire an executive back after he violated a major hr policy?

6). Why are you hiring for this position when layoffs are on the horizon... Again?

1. Morale isn't low!!! Hahaha. If it was, they should suck it up!

2. This crew is tenured! We can't just cut and run! We are buds.

3. No one ever reads that thing! Why would we try to work or live by it? Ethics shmethics...

4. We have diversity!! We hire women and men! It's up to them to get promotions! Depends what they will sacrifice to get there!

5. Morals?? Shoot son, this is Texas. Plus refer to number 4, she was doing her part not his fault we concluded!!! Quit blaming him. Grow up.

6. Don't ask anymore questions. I'm not paid to think or strategize.

This was once great company, it is really sad what the place has become. I still see the issues as AD as president over staffed home office, finance and marketing. Over built the sales force. We needed three divisions at most not 4. Empowered Marketing like we had really proprietary bio tech products which we did not and do not have. Then french guy shows up and empowers HR. He had no respect for the people who built this thing in the US. He then runs them out and or just flat out fires them - bastardized the concept of employment at will in TX, and or blames all of his direct reports from finance to sales to operations etc, for his incompetence and failures. However, nothing changed and the company further declined. Just look at IMS data on the Rx products over the last two + years. A lot of good people left but people like FH get promoted after stabbing people who helped him out in the back, JP and BJ are smiling for about 18 months that they "won" and then French guy finally gets the boot for his shortcomings and failures. Then they are forced to layoff almost 200 people out of almost 600 in the US field and home office. We then get lectures from FH like it is some lame zig zigler convention with little or no substance at POAs - more decline. Then New President shows up and sees the incompetence, lack of vision, total incompetence etc from FH, JP, BJ and of course finance. Fires and or demotes those clowns. Finally! the correct people are dealt with. As Opposed to the popularity contest that KG and FF had. Maybe the new president can fix this, maybe aesthetics is the answer. But even a capable captain taking over the titanic after it hits the iceberg has limited options. I see more downsizing and more pain in the US long before this gets better. If I am wrong please respond but also, please engage your brain. We are not interested in the stupid responses from the regional mgr. or from HR when people are putting up responsible posts. The truth is this thing may not be totally fixable.

Regional managers MUST be gone in order to really move this thing forward . The new Pres MUST see this is the case . Otherwise it will be more of the same old Galderma with lock step and conformity through sales . That is all Sellen , Curley etc know !! Every POA looks like the last with a small tweek in the message . That isn't the standard for success ya'll , no moving forward or real progression until road blocks removed and fresh ideas are encouraged .

Anyone with a new idea in sales right now is labeled " unconventional " or " rogue " . That's exactly what is needed !! They can't think beyond their old school Galderma up bringing , they cling to old ways and failed ideas hiding behind busy work and small details , their past due date has come and gone and they would not be missed , was Armstrong missed ? Hell to the NO .

The truth is people in HR and others love women here. KG in HR. a bit of a problem but nonetheless a women in a higher level job. Alex H. in training or OD which I believe stands for operational deficiency. Lisa running the Ped team another women ( sort of running it). Then two other women on the Regional level that KG really likes as well Ken C. And Chris S.

So the posts that women do not get a shot here are not entirely true. Lots of women as I mentioned above in leadership roles here.

Regional managers MUST be gone in order to really move this thing forward . The new Pres MUST see this is the case . Otherwise it will be more of the same old Galderma with lock step and conformity through sales . That is all Sellen , Curley etc know !! Every POA looks like the last with a small tweek in the message . That isn't the standard for success ya'll , no moving forward or real progression until road blocks removed and fresh ideas are encouraged .

Anyone with a new idea in sales right now is labeled " unconventional " or " rogue " . That's exactly what is needed !! They can't think beyond their old school Galderma up bringing , they cling to old ways and failed ideas hiding behind busy work and small details , their past due date has come and gone and they would not be missed , was Armstrong missed ? Hell to the NO .

Or because leaders don't fit that template, they're run off. Again their way doesn't work though. "You must have a cheeky smile, conform to the script, wear the blazer with starched collar if you want to stay and get promoted." - Johnny robot

Just resigned , throw Dan L into that clown bucket . Used to detest Sellen also . Got no real bonus for years , were told that division was a group of fighters !!!!!

Sick of the BS , went off to better situation with better base & bonus . I need to get paid again .

These guys don't get how to build loyal people , they won't fight for you . Instead they run salespeople down the moment you leave the room.

At one time I loved working here just couldn't see myself being rewarded other than getting 25 power points . I felt disrespected & forgotten for all my hard work .

Couldn't agree more. The way this company works is they micromanage you to death until you are incapable of thinking on your own. When you leave and go somewhere else, you realize that you are much smarter than you or anyone realizes because they program you to believe thy are so smart. You will be so much better off getting away from Galderma. This company is well past it's prime and everyone knows it. If you are a woman it is even worse as they are still in the Stone Age. Pretty sure this company still has not eclipsed 10 females DMs total in their history and I am not exaggerating!

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