Interview Process


Could anyone tell me more about the interview process for a sales rep? Does the online sales assessment have an impact on getting an interview or if you take the assessment will you be getting a call about the interview. I got the email to take the assessment and just wondering what is expected to happen next.

I know, I have read the discussion about Rotech, but for me right now would be a better option that what I have going.

Thank you


You must be bad off or pretty close to it. The sales rep position, while it pays well, just is no longer worth it. You will meet the LCM and his direct boss in the interview. You will need to have a plan in place in regards ro what you'll bring to the company. This includes referral sources you can target and plans to increase business once in.

If you happen to make it past this grueling process and get hired, you'll quickly come to regret your efforts. To say your manager will hover over you is the understatement of the universe. You will often have mandatory conference calls in the middle of the day. God help you if you don't steadily increase the business you bring in. This is all truth and just the beginning of what to expect. If you ANY other option, it would be in your best interest to pursue that instead. This is especially true of you aren't in a thriving metro area rife with potential business. You will be expected to make magix outta thin air. Prepare to break your friend's legs so they'll need a walker. Tell your aunt to put on a hundred more pounds or so so you can get an ono order from her doctor. The earlier we get her in the decline of her respiratory system, the more money we can make.

You must be bad off or pretty close to it. The sales rep position, while it pays well, just is no longer worth it. You will meet the LCM and his direct boss in the interview. You will need to have a plan in place in regards ro what you'll bring to the company. This includes referral sources you can target and plans to increase business once in.

If you happen to make it past this grueling process and get hired, you'll quickly come to regret your efforts. To say your manager will hover over you is the understatement of the universe. You will often have mandatory conference calls in the middle of the day. God help you if you don't steadily increase the business you bring in. This is all truth and just the beginning of what to expect. If you ANY other option, it would be in your best interest to pursue that instead. This is especially true of you aren't in a thriving metro area rife with potential business. You will be expected to make magix outta thin air. Prepare to break your friend's legs so they'll need a walker. Tell your aunt to put on a hundred more pounds or so so you can get an ono order from her doctor. The earlier we get her in the decline of her respiratory system, the more money we can make.

I agree with this 100%

If the interview process was honest, you'd be asked how good you are at reversing years of bad moves by Rotech that alienated most every valuable referral source.......and if you could do this while Rotech continues shooting itself in the foot.
Maybe this is how we'll all discover the 2nd coming of Jesus.

That depends on the area. If you were in my region, the RM is a complete idiot, and wouldn't even notice if your sales were low, and would believe any excuse you gave him. At least that's how it goes with my Sales Rep.

I have read so many different things about the interview process and the process seems to be differntly told 20 times. Have a feeling the interview process just depends on the area. So funny how most of these managers can't interview to save their lives.

My experience, their recruiter basically stalked me as I did not return phones calls. I don't even have a job right now as I have been having personal problems. This job has been open 3 times in the past year. On glassdoor, if that is correct, the pay seems great but I know reimbursement is getting ridiculous with more audits and paper thin margins. The company's recruiter said she would forward my resume on. I have been out of healthcare for over a year.

What is the management hiarchy currently? I have heard the words location manager, district manager, area manager, branch manager. I thought it was going to be just 1 and done interview.

Company recruiter said it is an established territory. I am thinking that must be why you have hired for it 3 times in the last year. Unless promotions, high turnover especially with good pay is a red flag.

Also according to glassdoor, the sales rep makes twice as much as their boss, the location manager?

For the few months you are tortured trying to mitigate YEARS of bad Rotech management decisions, take notes on all the fudged cmn's and other violations.
These will come in handy upon your exit interview.

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