Quest in California has combined the sales/service position. We have one person servicing & selling, and over-all managing a territory, The one Specialty Test Rep for each region works through that one person. Our comp plan is based on commission and a quarterly bonus. If everyone works as a team and our regional manager knows what she is doing you can do well on the commission and bonus. West Hills/So. CA. Sales has done very well this year. Dumping contracts that LCA picked up has not hurt us. Dealing with rude customer complaints is an opportunity to better understand a client and their needs and how we can do better, and it's part of the job. Couldn't agree more that managed care and lower reimbursement makes sales harder and more complex to get. All the more reason to secure existing clients, along with being smart and strategic about the prospective new clients we spend our time on. When we do bring in the numbers consistently we expect to be paid for this effort and not be jacked around because billing decided to do a huge write off from the books that affects everyone's commission, this would be LCA. Quest corporate leadership has called to tell us we've done a good job. This never happened at LCA. Different styles for different people. None of the big labs are perfect, but you have to decide what's important to you. Being treated like a respected professional was at the top of my list and I'm happy at Quest. Others might have a different experience.