Interview last Friday


I interviewed last Friday for a Osteo job in OC. I was told I would hear back by email within the week "the results of this interview." It was the best interview I have ever had and I have heard nothing. Are they just slow or do I move on?

Advise from a 28 year ex-Lilly employee. Move on, Lilly is an extremely unethical company.
Find a good honest company to work for. I spent two years in Osteo.

Who cares about ethics? You can make a bundle here if you're a born leader. You can worry about your ethics in your retirement. That is if you are still concerned about ethics as you're sitting on your yacht sipping the finest wine money can buy. JL

Who cares about ethics? You can make a bundle here if you're a born leader. You can worry about your ethics in your retirement. That is if you are still concerned about ethics as you're sitting on your yacht sipping the finest wine money can buy. JL

The golden rule taught at the Sidney Taurel school for Incompetent Business Leaders is "Don't let ethics stand in the way of your bonus". I keep a picture of Sid standing in front of his 35,000 square foot mansion as a reminder of this rule.