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interview help


I have an interview. Any insight into preperation would be greatly apprecated. 1 year of medi sales, recent colkege grad! Please save the sarcasm. This job would be better than the one i have. Thank you in advace for your honest answers!!!


I have an interview. Any insight into preperation would be greatly apprecated. 1 year of medi sales, recent colkege grad! Please save the sarcasm. This job would be better than the one i have. Thank you in advace for your honest answers!!!

Be yourself first of all. Lilly is about culture so you must work well with others and in Teams. Also, the patient always comes first. Talk about your passion for helping people and putting others first. That's all I got.

I have an interview. Any insight into preperation would be greatly apprecated. 1 year of medi sales, recent colkege grad! Please save the sarcasm. This job would be better than the one i have. Thank you in advace for your honest answers!!!
Better than the one you have? What, are you a member of Iran's Quds Force? Egads. Best of luck with that colkege degree.

Do yourself a favor and learn how to write code. Become part of the AI revolution or get gobbled up by it. Your choice.