Interview for Rep Position


Hi everyone, I am interviewing for a Lilly rep job soon and was wondering if anyone has some tips? I usually have great interviews but was wondering if there would be any tricky questions or quirks with some of the managers possibly?

Don't even bother to interview. I worked for 28 years for Eli Lilly. I am ashamed to say that Lilly is the worst of all the companies. They lie, cheat, and are a disgrace to the pharmaceutical industry. Everyone is out for only themselves, there are no team players.
The have no pipeline, and have not brought a product of their own to market since approximately 2000. Any company that partners with Lilly eventually is put out of business.
I recently spoke with a colleague that was hired in 2005. He is so desparate to leave, the working conditions are awful, he works till 2AM almost every night, that he is willing to take a 20% pay cut just to get out. Don't believe the "Lilly for Life" story. It is just that, a story. Just before you reach your vesting for your pension, they will find a reason to fire you. All the jobs are fixed duration, they last maybe 6 months then they fire you.
Please take some good advice. Find another company to work for who respects you.

Don't even bother to interview. I worked for 28 years for Eli Lilly. I am ashamed to say that Lilly is the worst of all the companies. They lie, cheat, and are a disgrace to the pharmaceutical industry. Everyone is out for only themselves, there are no team players.
The have no pipeline, and have not brought a product of their own to market since approximately 2000. Any company that partners with Lilly eventually is put out of business.
I recently spoke with a colleague that was hired in 2005. He is so desparate to leave, the working conditions are awful, he works till 2AM almost every night, that he is willing to take a 20% pay cut just to get out. Don't believe the "Lilly for Life" story. It is just that, a story. Just before you reach your vesting for your pension, they will find a reason to fire you. All the jobs are fixed duration, they last maybe 6 months then they fire you.
Please take some good advice. Find another company to work for who respects you.

What a noob. If you worked inside the insulated fortress of Lilly for 28 years, then you haven't got a clue what it is like to work in the real world. You are one screwed up little puppy.

The company has a great many problems from poor leadership ($1B in fines for example). Morale is very,very poor. I'd work somewhere else. Why bother especially for a short duration. This is no place to be right now.

I worked for Lilly for several years out of college and really enjoyed my time there. Unless things have changed in the past 3-4 years (which they may have), then I wouldn't hesitate to go back if I were ever looking to get back into pharma.

The only way to go is with a smaller company. They won't have the ability to micromanage you to death, with metrics for measuring everything you do every day, and goal for every metric. It makes me sick to death. Lilly, like most big pharma cos, thinks that because they can measure something, then it is worth doing so. And it's all nonsense.
Rung to a smaller company. Get promoted, then, when you know what you are doing, if you want to make a career of it, get into a larger company. That will be a very big "if"....