Don't even bother to interview. I worked for 28 years for Eli Lilly. I am ashamed to say that Lilly is the worst of all the companies. They lie, cheat, and are a disgrace to the pharmaceutical industry. Everyone is out for only themselves, there are no team players.
The have no pipeline, and have not brought a product of their own to market since approximately 2000. Any company that partners with Lilly eventually is put out of business.
I recently spoke with a colleague that was hired in 2005. He is so desparate to leave, the working conditions are awful, he works till 2AM almost every night, that he is willing to take a 20% pay cut just to get out. Don't believe the "Lilly for Life" story. It is just that, a story. Just before you reach your vesting for your pension, they will find a reason to fire you. All the jobs are fixed duration, they last maybe 6 months then they fire you.
Please take some good advice. Find another company to work for who respects you.