International Launches Cancelled, Layoffs expected!


The restructure is underway in International Business. Legacy product lines remain strong, the rest is dragging the business down.
The switch has already been thrown & the lights are out for many planned launches.
I am sure the shareholders will be pleased as it is dressed up as strong leadership. They will blame market factors, political upheaval & many other crazy things. The facts are, the products are weak & in a competitive therapy. But like everything in NEW Allergan too many people work in silos and are not willing to call out when the numbers don't add up. The last few years the business has been about politics and getting to the top quicker! Brent is able to talk his way out of things...for now, but slowly Allergan is going the wrong way.


The restructure is underway in International Business. Legacy product lines remain strong, the rest is dragging the business down.
The switch has already been thrown & the lights are out for many planned launches.
I am sure the shareholders will be pleased as it is dressed up as strong leadership. They will blame market factors, political upheaval & many other crazy things. The facts are, the products are weak & in a competitive therapy. But like everything in NEW Allergan too many people work in silos and are not willing to call out when the numbers don't add up. The last few years the business has been about politics and getting to the top quicker! Brent is able to talk his way out of things...for now, but slowly Allergan is going the wrong way.

Go crawl back into your troll hole asshole!

The restructure is underway in International Business. Legacy product lines remain strong, the rest is dragging the business down.
The switch has already been thrown & the lights are out for many planned launches.
I am sure the shareholders will be pleased as it is dressed up as strong leadership. They will blame market factors, political upheaval & many other crazy things. The facts are, the products are weak & in a competitive therapy. But like everything in NEW Allergan too many people work in silos and are not willing to call out when the numbers don't add up. The last few years the business has been about politics and getting to the top quicker! Brent is able to talk his way out of things...for now, but slowly Allergan is going the wrong way.

The restructure is underway in International Business. Legacy product lines remain strong, the rest is dragging the business down.
The switch has already been thrown & the lights are out for many planned launches.
I am sure the shareholders will be pleased as it is dressed up as strong leadership. They will blame market factors, political upheaval & many other crazy things. The facts are, the products are weak & in a competitive therapy. But like everything in NEW Allergan too many people work in silos and are not willing to call out when the numbers don't add up. The last few years the business has been about politics and getting to the top quicker! Brent is able to talk his way out of things...for now, but slowly Allergan is going the wrong way.

Nobody gives a damn
'America First'
Go Donald

Some people just want to see it all go wrong, maybe if they'd just do their jobs then Allergan could do its job, helping people have happier healthier lives!

I don't think too many that work here want to see "it all go wrong". They just want to see some smart moves and want to see corp do things that make sense and stop doing dumb shit.

I don't think too many that work here want to see "it all go wrong". They just want to see some smart moves and want to see corp do things that make sense and stop doing dumb shit.

What 'Dumb Shit'?
I agree we all want smart, smarter & agile moves, being BOLD is just words. We need BOLD to be actions!
International is run on low resources spread across a wide area.
Increased resources & better systems are needed to expand the opportunities.
Sales are good so corp are leaving it to run as is. It is almost 3 years (endurance) since significant investment has been made. That needs to change!

Go crawl back into your troll hole asshole!

You saw the Town Hall, you got your answer, focus on 12 countries, Eyecare & Medical Aesthetics.
Then a bit of Neuro Botox.....
Women's Health = No Mention
GI he couldn't remember all the product names.

Not rocket science, no focus = no launches = less heads!
Also interesting to see that some of the support services came under a global heading rather than International! (HR & IT as examples)

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