Internal medicine


What do they promote? What is in pipeline?

They promote the wonderfulness of PFE.
Without PFE where would this world be?
Where would Pharma be?
Who would set all the standards for all Pharma reps and managers?

The world would fold without PFE!
Be proud and thankful you are one of the chosen people!!!!

Are you too lazy to research it on your own, troll.
We have enough of you clowns already.
Most reps dong know what they’re selling!
There is no pipeline. We buy what we need to stay in business.

Pfizer management says the pipeline is really strong - but - it seems likes its not. They have one coming that is taking a really long time to get approved. And yes like the guy said above - Pfizer buys stuff which keeps it interesting. We need something new but glad to have a job.