This board is interesting, but confusing...what made this company so bad
This board is interesting, but confusing...what made this company so bad
All you need to know is that all signs point to this company becoming one location in Florida, and just because the idiots that run the place don't talk to the media because they are a "private company," that doesn't mean that NO ONE that has ever worked there is going to remain silent. Stupid, stupid company.
let's see--you live in fear of what will happen next, people have all sorts of titles who are managing things but absolutely no experience in it, even with a title no one can make a damn decision, it just feels slimey, there is absolutely no direction, always feel like you are in a state of desperation, people who have left describe this place as a bad dream or surreal. I'm not sure if anyone running this thing has ever ran a company before, too much nepotism get rid of the brothers and missus I can't imagine how much of a salary they pull out of this thing. Someone could come in and buy this thing and really get it cleaned up from the top down and have a really nice business because for whatever reason a lot of really good people work here. The potential is here, the concept is good but the execution really really sucks it's an example of how an initial MBA doesn't mean you have a clue about business.