Interesting list


Can't wait for all the speculation to end.
All 1's gone. that's a given
Hundreds of reps gone. that's a given
Hospital reps ?
LTC reps ?
BRM's (are they really needed now) ?
1/3 managers ?
Training dept in each OU ?
OU offices closed ?
Brand teams scaled back ?
Arcapta launched by resp ?
Salary freezes ?
Alcon downsized ?
Top level resignations ?
And the list should go on - what am I missing?

Can't wait for all the speculation to end.
All 1's gone. that's a given
Hundreds of reps gone. that's a given
Hospital reps ?
LTC reps ?
BRM's (are they really needed now) ?
1/3 managers ?
Training dept in each OU ?
OU offices closed ?
Brand teams scaled back ?
Arcapta launched by resp ?
Salary freezes ?
Alcon downsized ?
Top level resignations ?
And the list should go on - what am I missing?

1/3rd of the managers is a JOKE ! if 60+ % of the reps are gone than 70 % or more of ALL layers of management should be eliminated . These are the biggest revenue draining positions of all yet they cover each other's back like civil service union slugs .

As it stands right now you could have doubled even tripled the amount of reps FLM babysat with absolutely ZERO negative impact in any capacity

The upper level executives are the most incompetent bunch of buffoons rivaling the ones from dinosaur industries like GM