Interesting comment


This post has truth but it assumes that Merck, as a company, has what it takes to be a high performing organization which is a stretch, at best. I worked at a company that did 360s. First you took a survey identifying peers, subordinates and managers you worked with directly. Those results were collated with the people you identified and then were certified by your manager. HR then chose who would be sent your review and specific feedback was REQUIRED. You had to write comments specific to the scenario you were evaluating the person on.

HR got the results back and tabulated them looking for themes and outliers. Outliers, good or bad, got a follow up call from HR for more detail. If they thought you were juicing someone's review or tearing them down without merit, your review was tossed and your file was updated for doing so.

The main differences between high performing organizations and Merck is that HPOs devote the people and processes to making people WANT to work there and excel. Merck is on a mission to drive everyone away - maybe so they can rebuild maybe to save money maybe just for a power trip. Who knows?

Review's Thread Post #10

I wrote that comment and I wrote it from my own experience at Merck. I was in HQ with a group under Corp Finance and we had relentless turnover motivated by the L-SP VP our group was given. L-MRK people were jumping ship internally, externally and just quitting. In a department meeting one of the L-SP senior managers commented that so many people were against the VP that it was best for the complete upheaval to take place. Not so subtle cue to those suffering from the morale, training new people and getting a lot more work: leaving is better.

That was nearly 2 years ago and within 18 months of the scorched earth statement, 100% targeted turnover has happened in that group. Those left are either L-SP or new hires. I also left and I've been told that, sadly, now the new hire crowd is making the same turnover move as the L-MRK did. Turnover always hurts when it's good, trained people. How this group doesn't see that, I don't know.

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