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Integrated Marketing Organization aka IMO team


How does this happen - two of the three senior leaders for CE and IMO for the new organization have come from the outside and one is worse than the next

The marketing rationale was to hire an IMO leader from outside pharma to allow NVS to innovate beyond pharma. They don’t want to be best-in-class, but among the top marketing companies across all industries.

Unfortunately, they’re too blind to see that hiring a bunch of leaders from the CPG industry with little pharma experience sets you back further than it propels you forward. It’s the same reason KP, Immuno marketing VP, just got the axe last week. It turns out it’s hard to lead a pharma marketing team with only consulting and Walmart experience.

The marketing rationale was to hire an IMO leader from outside pharma to allow NVS to innovate beyond pharma. They don’t want to be best-in-class, but among the top marketing companies across all industries.

Unfortunately, they’re too blind to see that hiring a bunch of leaders from the CPG industry with little pharma experience sets you back further than it propels you forward. It’s the same reason KP, Immuno marketing VP, just got the axe last week. It turns out it’s hard to lead a pharma marketing team with only consulting and Walmart experience.

well they are failing at both.

Tbh how much does marketing matter when our access is terrible?

Very good point. Marketing wants to feel special but in reality it doesn't mean shit if there isn't access. And even if there is, we truly don't need so much content. They're doing it to feel important and this is from a person in Marketing..

She's truly in over her head and the most out of touch leader I've had the displeasure of working with. A whole NYC office just for her while the campus is trash

The absolutely hysterical thing about the NY office is the bullshit about in person collaboration. If you have marketers at the EH campus and marketers at the NY office then how else do they get work done as a team if not virtually through MS teams? The opening of the NY office is a great example of how NV just wants people in person for more accountability - It has nothing to do with collaboration and innovation

The absolutely hysterical thing about the NY office is the bullshit about in person collaboration. If you have marketers at the EH campus and marketers at the NY office then how else do they get work done as a team if not virtually through MS teams? The opening of the NY office is a great example of how NV just wants people in person for more accountability - It has nothing to do with collaboration and innovation
Accountability and tax breaks. All Hail GH the out of touch leader with no pharma experience. Go back to marketing cereal.

Accountability and tax breaks. All Hail GH the out of touch leader with no pharma experience. Go back to marketing cereal.
I wish they would just be honest about the accountability thing. Could you elaborate on the tax breaks? Lots of companies are starting to go to 3 days a week in office and it’s all types of industries. I figured there was something behind that

I wish they would just be honest about the accountability thing. Could you elaborate on the tax breaks? Lots of companies are starting to go to 3 days a week in office and it’s all types of industries. I figured there was something behind that
The state of NJ gives corporate tax breaks to have headquarters in NJ so that people will be forced to live in this God forsaken state. If they let us be remote forever then we won't live here and bye bye tax breaks

The state of NJ gives corporate tax breaks to have headquarters in NJ so that people will be forced to live in this God forsaken state. If they let us be remote forever then we won't live here and bye bye tax breaks
That’s it. NJ is on to something. Lucky for them that no other states give corporate tax breaks. Dumbass.