Institutional openings


Looks like these guys are dropping like flies again. 2 new manager openings and 6 rep openings. Sounds like some RD's need some real help. BAck again to selling retail.

Yeah Butoni boy rode that unrestricted NY Medicaid wave for all it was worth. He'd be bottom of the barrel now even if he stayed in retail. It's a tough day now that the tool academy is reaping the true product of their efforts. RDs can stall the inevitable by replacing DMs but eventually they'll come for him. Probably not before he back stabs his boy Ryan though.

Looks like these guys are dropping like flies again. 2 new manager openings and 6 rep openings. Sounds like some RD's need some real help. BAck again to selling retail.

what is your guess on the turnover since launch of this division? 50, 60 or 70%
no matter what the reasons, this level of turnover is unbelieveable!

I asked John Silva (HR) back in October and he said it's 30%...much lower than I expected.

no way it HAS to be higher. maybe john was quoting you an annual turnover rate. 30% annual turnover in a salesforce in its 3rd year is pretty high. I bet territories with turnover is above 50% and perhaps as many as 10% of terrotories have had multiple reps turn since launch....

Len is gonna keep getting crushed. He has no outpatient clinics for TD and DL. He is so naive to think his region can "take off"!! As for TF, other regions are so far ahead he will be stuck in 4th for another two or three years. Len see when his a** kissing of GA will finally wear off.

Len is gonna keep getting crushed. He has no outpatient clinics for TD and DL. He is so naive to think his region can "take off"!! As for TF, other regions are so far ahead he will be stuck in 4th for another two or three years. Len see when his a** kissing of GA will finally wear off.

More to the point.... why are we selling Tudorza and Daliresp? If you have no outpatient pharmacies in your hospitals then you should not even waste a second thinking about these products.

What I've noticed is that anyone who comes on board has about 1 year to get into the top 50 %. Most of the Forest reps who came over have all moved on. The mentality here is to get it done or get out. good luck to anyone who needs to take on these hospital spots from specialty or worse PC, let alone outside the company.