Looks like these guys are dropping like flies again. 2 new manager openings and 6 rep openings. Sounds like some RD's need some real help. BAck again to selling retail.
Looks like these guys are dropping like flies again. 2 new manager openings and 6 rep openings. Sounds like some RD's need some real help. BAck again to selling retail.
Looks like these guys are dropping like flies again. 2 new manager openings and 6 rep openings. Sounds like some RD's need some real help. BAck again to selling retail.
what is your guess on the turnover since launch of this division? 50, 60 or 70%
no matter what the reasons, this level of turnover is unbelieveable!
I asked John Silva (HR) back in October and he said it's 30%...much lower than I expected.
I asked John Silva (HR) back in October and he said it's 30%...much lower than I expected.
30% is still off the charts high. Especially with a drug launch
There is no way in hell there has only been 30% turnover in institutional sales!!!
Len is gonna keep getting crushed. He has no outpatient clinics for TD and DL. He is so naive to think his region can "take off"!! As for TF, other regions are so far ahead he will be stuck in 4th for another two or three years. Len see when his a** kissing of GA will finally wear off.