Insider trading


Maybe Lilly should look inside, or include some statement in the RED BOOK for those arriving by the planeload to pick up where others were "reallocated"

(Washington Post)
As a chemist at the Food and Drug Administration, which screens medicines for sale to the public, Cheng Yi Liang had access to the kind of information that can move drug company stocks.

According to the government, he has illegally traded on that information in advance of at least 27 FDA announcements since 2006, reaping profits or avoiding losses of more than $3.6 million.

MY ONLY QUESTION: After making a million bucks why didn't he get his butt back to China?

And Goldman sach CEO Blankfein is still absconding by the law. Then the famous Lilly stock plateaus which are nothing but hidden acknowledgement of market manipulation. So you fix a chinese guy, or an Idnian guy so that a jewish guy gets scott free. As in many cases, most of these people have been wrongly accused to make a political scapegoat just when a major news story is about to break to distract me cynical..but there is truth in that...Check the stock trading of Sydney Taurel before the Vision Jam and eight months after he left and became Director at IBM.

And Goldman sach CEO Blankfein is still absconding by the law. Then the famous Lilly stock plateaus which are nothing but hidden acknowledgement of market manipulation. So you fix a chinese guy, or an Idnian guy so that a jewish guy gets scott free. As in many cases, most of these people have been wrongly accused to make a political scapegoat just when a major news story is about to break to distract me cynical..but there is truth in that...Check the stock trading of Sydney Taurel before the Vision Jam and eight months after he left and became Director at IBM.

Don't tell me... tell the SEC. The SEC, too, knows these things happen. In this case, however, they had the records that showed the guy logging onto proprietary Federal databases just before a big trade, and they also had other smoking guns, like the checks coming from China (he had brokerage accounts open in the names of Chinese citizens, mostly family, and would use their log-ins to access their accounts). Tricky, huh? His big error was setting up the CDER database software at home -

I agree that immigrants are unfairly targeted in SEC investigations. But they don't know how to cover their tracks like the Gordon Gekko's of NYC. The full article plainly states that the SEC knows that insider trading is rampant, but the proof is hard to find when it's this complete. With Lilly's current IT, an audit would be a great idea. Let's start tomorrow.

I'm with you. What is the IP addresss to remot in? I think Which port? 8437 is usually open for SSH login? Darn I forgot my old password which worked seven months after I changed company in Singapore.

With hidden microphones and cameras as cheap as they are, soon there will be NO privacy.

In fact, working at this company, it would be prudent to record all personal transactions, at the greatest detail, within a good economy of cost. Plenty of shell games with these folks, literally even. That was the most popular game of the Civil War, right: three walnut shells and a pea.

The pea is your brain. At least that is what they would have you think. Self-fulfilling prophecy

Check it out, the audio portions here are pretty damning ...|headline|quote|text|&par=yahoo

Sorry to differ from your analysis. These are normal chatter among the hedge fund and market makers. This one-sdied tape release shows that Galleon hedgefund amnager is making money--hack that is how the market turns--on priviledged information.

What fucking Goldman Sach and JPM do by front runnign the Treasury for the Fed Window? They act on information..preprogrammed so they do not have to chatter like the guys...

The story that GoldmanSachs was going to lose 2 dollars per share in revenue (from analyss forecast of 2.50), did not come true. In fact, it seemed to me that Goldman had hands inside Paulson's underwear to get five treasury front runs ranging 1 to 50 Mln, before Paulson crushed Lehman and shuffled BearsSterns, and brought out 700 bln golden goose for GS and alikes. To my knowledge GS has not reported *any* losses due to financial meltdoen also suggests that they acted on information that was not announced to public. Todate the "Seven CEO" meeting with Paulson is not available via FOIA. Go figure why.

What more, in an apparant tapping of the "secure line" we all citizens need to know that unless you are talking into the ears of a person, governemnt has put up listening devices all th epoles, inside roads, at traffic junctions, and in satellite---not forgetting ATT and Echelon.

This is damning proof that governemnt is out of control.

Let us hope that JCL will have similar situation, hope that he will be exoneratedin the US Supereme Court.