Insider 55--Please confirm--DCV Reorg by Oct


Word on the street. Diabetes will be reorganized by October to a new format. No more sleeve format. Supposably this was openly discussed in Florida on the recent award trip with multiple execs and managers. This is the same trip that Kaplan was on the beach with his family on Monday and fired on Tuesday. Supposably there will be a new format rolled out for Q4 and the upcoming Fall POAs will be attended with your new teams???? Insider 55--can you confirm if this is true. Just a reorg or downsize? So many rumors and versions of what this will look like floating around out there. October cant come fast enough.

Word on the street. Diabetes will be reorganized by October to a new format. No more sleeve format. Supposably this was openly discussed in Florida on the recent award trip with multiple execs and managers. This is the same trip that Kaplan was on the beach with his family on Monday and fired on Tuesday. Supposably there will be a new format rolled out for Q4 and the upcoming Fall POAs will be attended with your new teams???? Insider 55--can you confirm if this is true. Just a reorg or downsize? So many rumors and versions of what this will look like floating around out there. October cant come fast enough.

what is a sleeve format???? you speak a language I don't comprehend including supposably which is not a word. But I do appreciate the information. I will sleep fitfully tonight imagining what a sleeve format could possibly that where they tie you up and kick the shit out of you? LOL Or is it where they give you 4000 tasks to do at once..or is it where they destroy an entire division with one hand tied behind their back? What could that mean?

Sleeve= only call on the people you have been assigned and NO ONE ELSE. or stay in your lane. It's a language they use often in the primary care world of DCV. For are assigned one person in a 10 person clinic... you walk on that ONE person WALK out....if you have partners...they will call on the rest. Most of the PODs are short and thats nots happening and you get dinged if you call on or sample one of the others. Or if you are in a territory that is short a partner and a top writer is assigned to a vacacnt get dinged for calling on them...BUT....WE GET PAID ON DIRT....makes NO FREAKING SENSE. It's all complete craziness.

Sleeve= only call on the people you have been assigned and NO ONE ELSE. or stay in your lane. It's a language they use often in the primary care world of DCV. For are assigned one person in a 10 person clinic... you walk on that ONE person WALK out....if you have partners...they will call on the rest. Most of the PODs are short and thats nots happening and you get dinged if you call on or sample one of the others. Or if you are in a territory that is short a partner and a top writer is assigned to a vacacnt get dinged for calling on them...BUT....WE GET PAID ON DIRT....makes NO FREAKING SENSE. It's all complete craziness.
I see. Thank you so much for the explanation. And yes it is crazy. Everything about how we are functioning is literally destroying the business.

Sleeve, we used that terminology ten years ago over at J&J.

I got fired there a few years back now somehow I landed here. This place is a joke, starting with my leadership all the way down to the PC1 portfolio if that what you want to call it.

I'm just collecting fraud evidence and incriminating evidence off label for my grand exit.

Wally Gerbiles

Sleeve, we used that terminology ten years ago over at J&J.

I got fired there a few years back now somehow I landed here. This place is a joke, starting with my leadership all the way down to the PC1 portfolio if that what you want to call it.

I'm just collecting fraud evidence and incriminating evidence off label for my grand exit.

Wally Gerbiles
There is a lot to collect. I have never seen anything like this. Also how in the hell do they "pay us on dirt" but not "ALLOW" us to call on dirt???? I think that is a lawsuit right there. They owe a lot of reps bonus money. Period. Point blank.

There is a lot to collect. I have never seen anything like this. Also how in the hell do they "pay us on dirt" but not "ALLOW" us to call on dirt???? I think that is a lawsuit right there. They owe a lot of reps bonus money. Period. Point blank.
This job is like being buried alive in 6 feet of concrete while being taunted with comments like " what's wrong? Why can't you move?" and "what a loser you can't even figure out how to move while buried in concrete"

I'm told to collect a lot of the location, mileage , time-date-zip code fuel purchase data on all my Sleeve reps that report to my just like while I was at J&J, got a lot of the team fired which I got off on. It reall fringed on personal privacy but who cares this is my evict stragety here. Even the reps that report to me are a joke.

Wally Gerbiles

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 5893492"]Sleeve, we used that terminology ten years ago over at J&J.

I got fired there a few years back now somehow I landed here. This place is a joke, starting with my leadership all the way down to the PC1 portfolio if that what you want to call it.

I'm just collecting fraud evidence and incriminating evidence off label for my grand exit.

Wally Gerbiles

Word on the street. Diabetes will be reorganized by October to a new format. No more sleeve format. Supposably this was openly discussed in Florida on the recent award trip with multiple execs and managers. This is the same trip that Kaplan was on the beach with his family on Monday and fired on Tuesday. Supposably there will be a new format rolled out for Q4 and the upcoming Fall POAs will be attended with your new teams???? Insider 55--can you confirm if this is true. Just a reorg or downsize? So many rumors and versions of what this will look like floating around out there. October cant come fast enough.

You have just delayed my retirement by 3 months in hope of getting a voluntary severance. F^ckHead

You have just delayed my retirement by 3 months in hope of getting a voluntary severance. F^ckHead
They are bleeding reps and it is starting to hurt. The whole reorg thing is probably fake news to keep people like you plugging away and waiting waiting waiting. You may as well go ahead and retire. They aren't doing packages unless you are one of the esteemed members of leadership in which case you come here, destroy an entire division and pull the cord on your golden parachute. You don't get a golden parachute. But they would be willing to give you more shit sandwiches if you are dumb enough to stick around. You want ketchup on that?

They are bleeding reps and it is starting to hurt. The whole reorg thing is probably fake news to keep people like you plugging away and waiting waiting waiting. You may as well go ahead and retire. They aren't doing packages unless you are one of the esteemed members of leadership in which case you come here, destroy an entire division and pull the cord on your golden parachute. You don't get a golden parachute. But they would be willing to give you more shit sandwiches if you are dumb enough to stick around. You want ketchup on that?

no ketchup. and hold the bread (as usual)

Today we received an email to save the date for a business update towards the end of Sept. We never plan that far in advance. Hmm.... any chance this relates to the OP's question about another reorg by October??? Seems rather suspicious, but maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.

During my years at J&J there is on thing I learned that saved my lard ares time and again. Document and record all phone, and meeting conversations.
Sleeve, we used that terminology ten years ago over at J&J.

I got fired there a few years back now somehow I landed here. This place is a joke, starting with my leadership all the way down to the PC1 portfolio if that what you want to call it.

I'm just collecting fraud evidence and incriminating evidence off label for my grand exit.

Wally Gerbiles