Inside sales position


I see Teva is offering an inside sales gig. Anyone familiar with the terms? Do they pay better to offset loss of car? I was raised near HQ and wouldn't mind relocating back. I am sick of driving all day in this weather and it might be good to add a new story to my resume. Anyone one he the bonus structure works? Thanks for replies!

I see Teva is offering an inside sales gig. Anyone familiar with the terms? Do they pay better to offset loss of car? I was raised near HQ and wouldn't mind relocating back. I am sick of driving all day in this weather and it might be good to add a new story to my resume. Anyone one he the bonus structure works? Thanks for replies!

Bull crap in, Bull crap out... troll onward our friend

what they mean is they are an outside troll for competitor and they have no clue even how to format the questions properly, on top of the fact that they have zero network to actually speak with and a freaking report is due in exchange for their payment. Gotta love 'em.