Inquiry re: AAH comp, culture and outlook (in connection w/ non-market offer)


Good evening, all. After perusing the CafePharma boards this afternoon for the first time, I am torn as to whether or not to submit this inquiry, as the general tenor of the discussions (across all boards) is rather caustic. That being said, I am writing in sincerity to inquire as to a handful of questions I have re: AAH...

A **quite close** relative of mine has been offered recently a position within AAH. This individual is extremely passionate re: the proffered opportunity, brings to the table 10 years of pharma, medical and diagnostic sales, and feels closely aligned with the senior mgmt and staff with whom such individual has interacted within Abbott during the interview process.

Notwithstanding the above, I currently am strongly dissuading this individual from accepting the position (which advisement is a source of HOT contention within our family today) -- namely on account of (i) compensation (which, to me, boils down holistically to opportunity costs, as much as anything), as well as (ii) my personal concerns re: the outlook for AAH within the forthcoming Abbott/Abbvie landscape. I will not posit here point #2, other than to express concern that, after reading through ABT's 10-Q and Abbvie's 10-12B filings, I (a) am surprised by the seemingly immaterial financial contribution of AAH to the aggregate concerns (aside: AAH does not appear to have been recognized independently of a blurb note to consolidated financials), and (b) inline with the foregoing and in light of the ABT reorg, I consider AAH as ripe for spinoff / divestiture...

For purposes of perspective / background, I bring to the table experience in the legal profession, private equity and mid-market M&A, as well as experience as an investor in and small business owner of a venture operating within the pet space. I sincerely am seeking the silver lining, so to speak, to this current opportunity, as I would like to either support this individual's decision or, conversely, hear first-person experiences that reinforce my own opinions...

With respect to my concerns re: compensation, I would appreciate feedback (generic) as to average base salary and target comp for a seasoned sales exec in a field sales role here. Again, inasmuch as I applaud this individual's enthusiasm for the particular opportunity, I can't help but to feel some offense re: the offered comp (as it impacts overall family income, that is) -- base comp amounts to roughly 65% of individual's previous / former base salary. When I (again, solely assessing impact to overall family financial condition) consider the additional ~$30,000 expense attributable to quality child daycare as well as the several-hundred-thousand dollars of opportunity costs I will incur vis-a-vis my side-venture's lose of assistance, atop the fact that I, personally, pay my legal assistant (w/ only a high school education and 28 yrs old) the same compensation (ironic..), I simply cannot in good faith tell this individual congratulations or, frankly, that I support her pursuit of this opportunity, etc.

I have no doubt this individual would be a **rockstar** within AAH; however, as it stands, this "opportunity" is hotly contested within my family (said another way, while this individual is gung-ho re: job offer, I am somewhat insulted (beneficially) by the financial terms of the same...), and I sincerely thank you in advance for any insights you could share -- whether as they relate to compensation, equity incentives, culture, benefits I might have overlooked or otherwise.


Thank you for the feedback. Could you please share details re: your perspective? I am merely a concerned husband -- and not the candidate... However, it goes without saying that my interests are aligned, and I appreciate the feedback. -OP

Former Manager here...

Take this information, do with it what you please.

First and foremost AAH is a badly managed organization from top down - their general style is to bring fear through intimidation - in my humble opinion is the absolute worse way to try and motivate anyone.

Second, the base pay is rather low and making any sort of commission is a complete joke.

And finally, the product portfolio is very small, yet overpriced.

If your desperate for a job, then take it...otherwise look elsewhere.

Naturally you want what’s best for a close family member. It’s obvious you are educated and I will assume smart as well. I will also assume you posted because you are looking for helpful opinions, advice, or both. Here is mine... weigh all evidence and consider your sources. Do you have trust in your family members judgment? Will you truly support their decision to allow an opportunity to be successful? As for this site... I hope you take the time to look at multiple company postings. Overall a good concept and initially a more reliable and useful source - but now more like Jerry Springer. Both representing a minority that puts forth great effort fighting for a larger voice and I fear all to happy to drag others down to their level. Why would they do this? I’m guessing you are smart enough to know the answer.

As for compensation... were they told one thing and then another? What kind of benefits do you provide your legal assistant? Do you provide profit haring, strong retirement matching program or a serious pension?

As for the last poster... sounds to me like someone who chooses to not accept any responsibility for their own success. Also sounds like they have zero faith in your family member’s ability - even though they have never met. Unfortunately, this is the kind of informed and rational replies you see throughout.

Naturally you want what’s best for a close family member. It’s obvious you are educated and I will assume smart as well. I will also assume you posted because you are looking for helpful opinions, advice, or both. Here is mine... weigh all evidence and consider your sources. Trust your family member and support their decision. As for this site... I hope you take the time to look at multiple company postings. Overall a good concept and initially a more reliable and useful resource - but now more like Jerry Springer. Both representing a minority that puts forth great effort fighting for a larger voice and I fear all to happy to drag others down to their level. Why would they do this? I’m guessing you are smart enough to know the answer.

As for compensation... were they told one thing and then another? What kind of benefits do you provide your legal assistant? Do you provide profit haring, strong retirement matching program or a serious pension?

As for the last poster... sounds to me like someone who chooses to not accept any responsibility for their own success. Also sounds like they have zero faith in your family member’s ability - even though they have never met. Unfortunately, this is the kind of informed and rational replies you see throughout.

Do you have trust in your family members judgment? Will you truly support their decision and facilitate their success?

"As for the last poster... sounds to me like someone who chooses to not accept any responsibility for their own success. Also sounds like they have zero faith in your family member’s ability - even though they have never met. Unfortunately, this is the kind of informed and rational replies you see throughout."

informed and rational it is- I have seen many in this industry over the years who were 'rock stars' in other venues crash and burn in vet sales

Former rep speaking. It's a stepping stone. 4k / qt avg comp. could be half, small chance for double or triple. If your wife is good, some other company will present a better opportunity when she has proved herself. Let her make her own decision. Good luck.