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InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Courts


Like little sheep, you've all been led and trained to believe that off-label promotion of truthful information is illegal. Well, I'm here to inform you that this is unfounded by a single legal case put forth in a court of law and the Pfizer CIA is nothing more than a CIA shakedown of big Pharma and extortion of monies to compel business towards the government's political agenda du jour. Government's tactic is to get you to comply with politically-driven directives and is unsubstantiated by a court of law on the principle of your rights to act ethically and not withhold information that may save a life, thereby acting unethically. Pfizer buckled to get into graces with the Feds and support Obamacare and secure its business moving forward. And here's the rest of the story Pfizer lawyers will never tell you - it's all bullsh!t:


Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

Like little sheep, you've all been led and trained to believe that off-label promotion of truthful information is illegal. Well, I'm here to inform you that this is unfounded by a single legal case put forth in a court of law and the Pfizer CIA is nothing more than a CIA shakedown of big Pharma and extortion of monies to compel business towards the government's political agenda du jour. Government's tactic is to get you to comply with politically-driven directives and is unsubstantiated by a court of law on the principle of your rights to act ethically and not withhold information that may save a life, thereby acting unethically. Pfizer buckled to get into graces with the Feds and support Obamacare and secure its business moving forward. And here's the rest of the story Pfizer lawyers will never tell you - it's all bullsh!t:



Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

On Wednesday, the Food and Drug Administration announced that the government has decided not to seek review of a landmark 2012 ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in U.S. v. Caronia.

But there was also a downside for the government in pursuing the Caronia appeal -- especially because the Supreme Court made it clear in a 2010 case called Sorrell v. IMS Health that pharma marketing is "a form of expression protected by the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment." Sorrell involved a Vermont law restricting the sale of pharmacy prescription records, not off-label marketing. Nevertheless, the ruling is considered a good indicator of the justices' likely view of the issues in Caronia. And losing at the Supreme Court would extend Caronia's reasoning beyond the confines of the 2nd Circuit, which is just what the Justice Department doesn't want. "I think the government had a very substantial risk of losing at the Supreme Court if they had appealed," said Senger , of Sidley Austin, a former deputy chief counsel of the FDA, who added that the decision to forgo an appeal did not surprise him.

Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

I tried to report a gross violation of the CIA while I was being "managed out" in 2010. I made dozens of calls to the US Justice Dept and I even got a friend who works for the FBI to dig around and find out who I should report the violation to. We never could find a place to report it. Corporations pay the fine and then set up a compliance policy (doesn't matter that people in India manage the hotline). The only thing the government holds the company responsible for doing is the creation and administration of the newly established policy. The whole mess is extortion in exchange for immunity and the creation of a policy that allows the same corporations to fire people at will for trumped up allegations if you aren't well connected. I still have the documents, the audio recordings, and the timeline. If you have a contact #, post it.

Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

I tried to report a gross violation of the CIA while I was being "managed out" in 2010. I made dozens of calls to the US Justice Dept and I even got a friend who works for the FBI to dig around and find out who I should report the violation to. We never could find a place to report it. Corporations pay the fine and then set up a compliance policy (doesn't matter that people in India manage the hotline). The only thing the government holds the company responsible for doing is the creation and administration of the newly established policy. The whole mess is extortion in exchange for immunity and the creation of a policy that allows the same corporations to fire people at will for trumped up allegations if you aren't well connected. I still have the documents, the audio recordings, and the timeline. If you have a contact #, post it.

Good luck. Pfizer has back door White House access to POTUS for support of Obamacare and political contributions. It'll never happen.

Plus, it looks like what Pfizer did may be constitutionally protected free speech, but paid off with a CIA so as to avoid political lynching. You think the federal government is really going to shut down a pharmaceutical manufacturer with all these shortages? I don't think so.

Feds are bluffing in a game of Poker holding a hand of Jokers. Corporations pay to stave off media driven and politically directed attacks to save its public brand image.

Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

Good luck. Pfizer has back door White House access to POTUS for support of Obamacare and political contributions. It'll never happen.

Plus, it looks like what Pfizer did may be constitutionally protected free speech, but paid off with a CIA so as to avoid political lynching. You think the federal government is really going to shut down a pharmaceutical manufacturer with all these shortages? I don't think so.

Feds are bluffing in a game of Poker holding a hand of Jokers. Corporations pay to stave off media driven and politically directed attacks to save its public brand image.

It is ridiculous that we can't sell any drug we want for any indication we want. Who cares if it's effective or has lethal side effects. Everyone dies eventually anyway and pain builds character. It's all about us Conservatives making money, lots and lots of lovely money, at everyone else's expense. They may be people to those damn liberals but to us our patients are just little cash machines. We extract all the cash from them in return for some snake oil and then we laugh in their faces. That's the Conservative spirit! As for any healing of the poor, you can forget that. Only Conservatives deserve healthcare. Jesus may have healed the poor but he was a damn liberal too. He should have been making money from them!

Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

It is ridiculous that we can't sell any drug we want for any indication we want. Who cares if it's effective or has lethal side effects. Everyone dies eventually anyway and pain builds character. It's all about us Conservatives making money, lots and lots of lovely money, at everyone else's expense. They may be people to those damn liberals but to us our patients are just little cash machines. We extract all the cash from them in return for some snake oil and then we laugh in their faces. That's the Conservative spirit! As for any healing of the poor, you can forget that. Only Conservatives deserve healthcare. Jesus may have healed the poor but he was a damn liberal too. He should have been making money from them!

That's a bogus point. Companies have scientific data that save lives for rare disease conditions, or people die! It's not about money at all, most time Pfizer gives their drugs away for free with assistance to these patients, numbskull! Pfizer doesn't pay reps for off label uses; the data is factored out. Besides, hospitals and clinics will be happy to give you generics to sweeten their profit margin and bill you at full cost. Happens all the time. Heck, they even bill you when you die from inappropriate non-aggressive cheap therapy, but you Obamamaniacs probably like elderly death panels like a late term abortion.

Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

It is ridiculous that we can't sell any drug we want for any indication we want. Who cares if it's effective or has lethal side effects. Everyone dies eventually anyway and pain builds character. It's all about us Conservatives making money, lots and lots of lovely money, at everyone else's expense. They may be people to those damn liberals but to us our patients are just little cash machines. We extract all the cash from them in return for some snake oil and then we laugh in their faces. That's the Conservative spirit! As for any healing of the poor, you can forget that. Only Conservatives deserve healthcare. Jesus may have healed the poor but he was a damn liberal too. He should have been making money from them!

Yeah. De8th panels, lets cheapen care with generics and withhold outcome data. Makes democratic sense. Sounds like the agenda. You got the unborn, so time to go after the elderly.

Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

What a farce our legal compliance department is. Those lawyers are in it to get paid. Big law firms are downsizing.

Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

More evidence the government is corrupting the process and subjugating pharmaceuticals interventions to planned healthcare design.

"“On pharmacy and medical device arenas, I think that there are great opportunities in these areas, but like the hospitals and other people and ACOs we’ll have to flip the salesmanship, I think, and/or the evidence base for medical devices and pharmacology interventions to show how they not only make a person get better quickly on an acute care episode but how they can keep people well for a long period of time, avoid further medical care, and keep them out of high-cost acute care settings,” Straube said. The Marwood Group employs Dr. Barry Straube, former chief medical officer of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the Obama administration and one of the key officials involved in the implementation of Obamacare.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/02/01/s...-sells-obamacare-information-to-corporations/

In other words, your salesmanship is being flipped and your outcome data is being denied to the public for benefit.

Re: InfoWar: Legal Compliance is a gov't created scam unfounded by Constitution & Cou

More evidence the government is corrupting the process and subjugating pharmaceuticals interventions to planned healthcare design.

"“On pharmacy and medical device arenas, I think that there are great opportunities in these areas, but like the hospitals and other people and ACOs we’ll have to flip the salesmanship, I think, and/or the evidence base for medical devices and pharmacology interventions to show how they not only make a person get better quickly on an acute care episode but how they can keep people well for a long period of time, avoid further medical care, and keep them out of high-cost acute care settings,” Straube said. The Marwood Group employs Dr. Barry Straube, former chief medical officer of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the Obama administration and one of the key officials involved in the implementation of Obamacare.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/02/01/s...-sells-obamacare-information-to-corporations/

In other words, your salesmanship is being flipped and your outcome data is being denied to the public for benefit.

How the hell did you read that from this quote?

He's saying that we need to look at global outcomes data instead of just acute data to make health care decisions. Thats the way you improve quality and make money. He's saying that is what has to be 'sold' to the insurance organizations/Medicare/Medicaid.

This is a very, very good thing. We save money overall and increase quality. We use more good drugs and less bad drugs. Its bad when you are trying to sell a crappy drug. But when you have good ones, and we do, they sell better.