Info about the CFO


Can you please comment on Thomas D. ? One of my relatives has received an offer to work with him in Switzerland. It is an important topic, please comment on what you are sure about.

Thomas is an out of touch leader who knows nothing about the market or field we are in. He and the new CEO are rejects and misfits from other pharma companies (especially Flemming who has never kept a job very long) who have no clue what they are they doing. No decisions are based on facts or evidence, just ego. They will never admit their shortcomings and wrongdoings either. You are with them or not ---that is the attitude!!!
Thomas is untrustworthy, judgmental, power hungry, greedy and incompetent.There is a Turkish proverb..."The fish rots from the head down". That's certainly true about Thomas.

The Board is watching closely and will take the action necessary to remove Thomas and Flemming before it’s too late. Too much money is at stake.

This place is going under, the company will not make it. It will probably be sold off in pieces to the highest bidder. I have worked here for years and have never seen it this bad. I think we are doomed. If your friend has an alternative, go work elsewhere. Galderma has an expiration date.

Swiss based employee here.

Change is good but Thomas is definitely not a good one. Things are getting worse by the day. He is a moron who either drives away good employees or fires them for some asinine reason. Zero trust. He knows everything better and judges without knowing. Big mistake.

Flemming and Thomas simply don’t matter, let’s remember this is private equity ownership of Galderma so all of us as employees are pawns in their plans. They paid 10b for us so keep in mind every move, every step and every decision has been mapped for the next 2-3 years minimum and these two “throwbacks” are CEO/CFO to execute at all costs... that’s it, they don’t care about us, dermatology or long term plans. Who are we kidding this is all decided already and anyone that thinks different is crazy.

With no "game changer" products, it becomes about relationships. This company relies so heavily on relationships. Employees, reps, doctors.

Thomas & Flemming are here to execute. BUT there is a way of doing it. Alienating everyone, judging without knowing, forming opinions on a whim and not trusting anyone is NOT the way to go. You would think they would have learnt after all these years, but no they are truly that stupid... This company is becoming a joke already.