Hey moron, as we've been discussing all week long, just because something is in the press, it doesn't mean it's true.

Re food: What I asked you (and you are unable to answer) what, specifically, food price have you seen increase? Give us facts and figures.

Re gas: The high was July 2008 ( Bush term) and that was attributed to taxes not inflation. You need to thank President Obama for our tax cut which will help out on this end.

Gas taxes? Are you seriously suggesting that even a doubling of Federal gas taxes would cause a $2.00/gallon in pump prices? Maybe you really should have whole life insurance after all. Incidently, Federal gas taxes have not changed significantly in over twenty years. You didn't even read your own damn link! It deals with gas prices in KOREA! Are you fucking kidding me?

As for food prices, they go up daily. Have you priced lettuce or tomatoes lately? There is going to be another hard freeze in Florida in a few days. Most of the US east coast produce business will be wiped out for the year.

BTW, that specificity shit gets old real fast. Go do your own homework.
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Hey moron, as we've been discussing all week long, just because something is in the press, it doesn't mean it's true.

Re food: What I asked you (and you are unable to answer) what, specifically, food price have you seen increase? Give us facts and figures.

Re gas: The high was July 2008 ( Bush term) and that was attributed to taxes not inflation. You need to thank President Obama for our tax cut which will help out on this end.

It is funny how you twist yourself into knots trying to defend Odummyfucker. You are a good little goose stepper.

I doubt there's anything either President Bush or President Obama had to do with it but it sure is fun watch BB come unraveled everytime I go fishing with Obama's name. Looks like I caught 2 fish this time.

His BP's alraedy off the chart for today........I'll bet veins are popping out all over! :cool:

So you are walking away from your giant Korea gaffe and pretending that you didn't fuck up, right? OK, loser. Sell that to one of your shoe store customers.

The only thing fishy in here is your concept of reality.

You were saying Obama has caused gas & fuel price inflation. You can't cite one example in food and now what? North Korea's the peoblem with fuel prices? Your a hoot BB, a real hoot.

1. You are the one who tried to use Korea as the reason for US fuel price increases, not me.
2. Please, oh please show me where, on this thread, I said anything about how Obama caused gas and fuel price inflation?

I've never before seen this type of deranged debate before. You commit gaffes, tell outright lies, and then try to blame them on me! You should go to work for Obama's white house. You'd fit right in.

I doubt there's anything either President Bush or President Obama had to do with it but it sure is fun watching BB come unraveled everytime I go fishing with Obama's name. Looks like I caught 2 fish this time.

His BP's already off the chart for today........I'll bet veins are popping out all over! :cool:

So let me get this straight. In your view, Odummyfucker deserves all of our thanks for the stock market going up in your view?

When I pointed out that the stock market only rallied in response to the Feds printing of money, you relented and said that the Fed did it becuase of Odummy's stimulus.

Well, anyone who knows anything about basic economics should know that as the value of the dollar declines, the value of commodities (i.e. oil) increases.

Additionally, did Odummyfucker or did he not impose a moratorium on oil production in the Gulf?

We have also seen an increase in demand in heating oil due to global cooling.

So you have three things

The fed printing money - which you say Odummyfucker is responsible for
The moratorium on oil drilling - which Odummyfucker is directly responsible for
Increased demand - which Odummyfucker has absolutely nothing to do with

But, hey until oil prices get to the high of 2008, you apparently don't care cuz it ain't affecting you right? Fuck the poor right?

How long will it be before you "caring" libs start calling for more subsidies for the rising cost of heating you are responsible for?

Just as I suspected, you are just another Hairy Fiddler identity. What a psycho.

I have never seen another human being deteriorate right in front of me before. Thanks for the experience.

When the law is against you, argue the facts.
When the facts are against you, argue the law.
When both the law and the facts are against you, call the other lawyer a scoundrel - - -Old Legal aphorism

You've got a bad case of potty mouth, cockbite!

Sad, so sad. Now you can't even produce coherent sentences.

"WTF does N Korea have to do with it?"
That's what I would like to know. You're the one who put the link about Korean gas prices into a discussion of US gas prices.

So now you're saying that food prices are affected by weather? Not inflation? Thanks for proving what I was saying doofus.
Did you even proof read this sentence before you hit the enter key? It is practically incoherent! Perhaps you would like to find a better way to express yourself.

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