Inflammation restructure


OP, if you have the inside knowledge... what will they do for the new humeria bio sim? Restructure reps over to that? Or hire
Amjevita has only been seriously discussed being sold with avsola. Nobody seriously thinks we would sell enbrel and amjevita in the same bag. I mean you can’t believe that right?

Ok simpleton let me make this easy for you. A Humira biosim isn’t gonna need any reps. Like 0 nada, none. Why b/c the minute the pbm’s get ahold of it they are gonna mandate it. Doc writes a script of Humira or Enbrel, it’s gonna get converted to the biosim no questions asked. How many times have your docs told you they are a victim of PBM management. It will continue with a biosim plane and simple. TO knows this.

Also for the Avsola reps good luck. TO knows you aren’t moving the needle. You are done, start looking for a job and work two until you get laid off. God knows you have plenty of time to double dip.

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