Indian Management


literally the worst - hiring them en masse is what ruined the culture at Amazon and countless other companies.

They Intentionally make my life hard so I leave so they can fill the open spot with a family member

They make cliques and shut you out, always working against you. They pretend to be your friend while taking credit for you work and stabbing you in the back.

Totally obsessed with form and appearance over substance, nonsense meetings and ass kissing instead of delivering anything. If you can actually deliver, they will ruin your life and motivation.

Not all Indians are like this, just the FOBs. I’ll never work for another Fobby Indian again. It’s always a nightmare.

Just look at the org charts, 80% of Indians have mostly Indians (friends and family) reporting to them. It’s all one big scam and they get kickbacks from their employees.

In case you didn't notice, most of people you met in hallway are indians. The construction contractors working on site are all white.
It sucks that you are being out competed by Indians. Instead of crying you should raise your game. indians comin from India know how tough life really is and so they work their asses off. Plus there is over a billion of them so unless you face the competition and stop crying you are gonna be out Of a job soon. Time to wake up..leave your bigotry at the door and get cracking.

It sucks that you are being out competed by Indians. Instead of crying you should raise your game. indians comin from India know how tough life really is and so they work their asses off. Plus there is over a billion of them so unless you face the competition and stop crying you are gonna be out Of a job soon. Time to wake up..leave your bigotry at the door and get cracking.
And we don't care about your complaints with the YTS. The day is coming, very quickly, where we own most of the money in the country and we aren't giving it to you to lay at home, collect benefits and complain about the YTs. Where we come from, you have to work.

Maybe, but they're not wrong. Take a look at who reports to people like Dinesh Salvi.

In Hyderabad yes it is true there is a lot of kick backs and family and friends hiring - this is a fact and a way of life and culture. Nevertheless it is much worse now because there are so many more VPs now in IT over the last year even though they are not needed nor warranted during a financial and business climate BMS is going through.