I'd like to send Jumping "Joe" Jimminycricket Gimenez 100000000000000.02 Bravo points & a round of applause for another exceptional display of leadership, planning & foresight. All this pseudo-hispanic is good for is going from company to company making his numbers by reducing sales forces. Wow did you learn that in MBA school, it takes a freeking genius to do that. How about you actually have some semblance of intelligence & have an actual plan. One that brings....hummm ONE FUCKING PRODUCT to market without a problem. Thanks for all the memories: Galvus, Arcapta, get the picture. But yet, at some point they will escort your ass out of the building, albeit with a HUGE golden parachute. Meanwhile we, the FUCKING SALES force that has continuously brought in the numbers that keep you cozy in your beautiful home will get a swift kick in the ass & a maximum of 20 weeks of severance.
Thanks for the unbelievable vision & leadership. Oh, last but not least, don't be ashamed of being Hispanic, it's embarrassing. It's Jimenez with a J not Gimenez with a G, say it right. Fucking PUTO
Thanks for the unbelievable vision & leadership. Oh, last but not least, don't be ashamed of being Hispanic, it's embarrassing. It's Jimenez with a J not Gimenez with a G, say it right. Fucking PUTO