In the spirit of the rebirth of our Savior

What is earth day? ;)

Some stupid environmental-nazi day, where we are not supposed to pollute. The whold fucking weekend is ruined on Sirius Deep Tracks, because they want to spew their fucking environmental clap-trap, so as a result, I am hearing lots of Neil Young and the vastly untalented Joni Mitchell. UGH!

Some stupid environmental-nazi day, where we are not supposed to pollute. The whold fucking weekend is ruined on Sirius Deep Tracks, because they want to spew their fucking environmental clap-trap, so as a result, I am hearing lots of Neil Young and the vastly untalented Joni Mitchell. UGH!

I go out of the way to increase my carbon footprint on erf day

  • Wonka   Apr 24, 2011 at 04:34: PM
Jesus will soon return to Earth to open a serious can of wup.

BTW, at Church today, there was a little boy whose parents gave him a toy gun to play with to occupy the time. He kept clicking it over and over. WTF?????

I know it's a TOY gun, but INAPPROPRIATE for church. What ever happened to bring crayons, books, Cheerios etc etc???

BTW, at Church today, there was a little boy whose parents gave him a toy gun to play with to occupy the time. He kept clicking it over and over. WTF?????

I know it's a TOY gun, but INAPPROPRIATE for church. What ever happened to bring crayons, books, Cheerios etc etc???

Yes, I would say that is a tad bit inappropriate for Sunday services. I am all about boys being boys, but there is a time and a place and that is not it.

Agree. The little boy certainly doesn't understand but the parents should have! I brought (appropriate) things when my girls were little, but after a short time, they understand that they had to be quiet and behave. Same deal happens with kids in a restaurant, at a mall etc.

Happy Easter to everyone! Regardless of beliefs, it is hard to deny the general sense of renewal that spring brings.

I'm with you 100%, SPN - renewal is good, renewal is obvious.

Our local paper had an article about how the Easter Bunny came to be and it was actually pretty interesting as it discussed how early Christians were appealing to Pagans partially with the use of a symbol of the Pagans (the rabbit) and tied it in with a celebration of Christianity (Easter).

Just an interesting article as I have always wondered how a rabbit got into the picture.
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