In the future for conference calls


After we have seen the cancellation of calls due to CP posting, the way we can shut down these clowns is anytime in the future we have a conference call, just post it on here.

That way their mode of shutting us down is slowed down. It's time the "little people" stand up, after all what the hell we got to lose? It's because we don't have the courage to stand up together that we are soon to fall. Let's face it, 25-30% of the force is cut, with more coming. If we stand up and show strength in numbers we can make a difference. AZ makes BILLIONS in profit. We are not financially upside down and its corporate greed. These execs are way overpaid and have no soul.

I'd suggest we get the addresses of the exects and nsd's and all send them holiday gifts from the heart...


After we have seen the cancellation of calls due to CP posting, the way we can shut down these clowns is anytime in the future we have a conference call, just post it on here.

That way their mode of shutting us down is slowed down. It's time the "little people" stand up, after all what the hell we got to lose? It's because we don't have the courage to stand up together that we are soon to fall. Let's face it, 25-30% of the force is cut, with more coming. If we stand up and show strength in numbers we can make a difference. AZ makes BILLIONS in profit. We are not financially upside down and its corporate greed. These execs are way overpaid and have no soul.

I'd suggest we get the addresses of the exects and nsd's and all send them holiday gifts from the heart...

What a fucking moron, why don't you go join your fellow idiots occupying whatever trash city you live in.

After we have seen the cancellation of calls due to CP posting, the way we can shut down these clowns is anytime in the future we have a conference call, just post it on here.

That way their mode of shutting us down is slowed down. It's time the "little people" stand up, after all what the hell we got to lose? It's because we don't have the courage to stand up together that we are soon to fall. Let's face it, 25-30% of the force is cut, with more coming. If we stand up and show strength in numbers we can make a difference. AZ makes BILLIONS in profit. We are not financially upside down and its corporate greed. These execs are way overpaid and have no soul.

This will work.

Knowledge is power you jackass. Keeping management from relaying knowledge only gives them MORE power. What a fucking idiot.

If knowledge is power is this why we have powerless management? Or if we keeping giving them power we have jackass management? To summarize this knowledge we keep relaying idiots.

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