In ONE word, describe culture in BCBU - white team


Does anybody remember when you were proud and excited to say that you worked for AMGEN? I do, I was so excited to get up and go work for a company that cared about it’s people- now it’s just BIG Pharma company that treats it’s people like a number! No one in “Leadership” knows anything about or even cares about the people that are out here in the trenches every day, fighting on behalf of patients! It is truly SAD that a company that I loved so much has been taken over by weekly reports that are inaccurate, at best! Reporting is off and a total nightmare, having to chase syringes to get credit! Our “Leadership” need to read and think of the “Amgen Values” that they spew at every meeting! If you are thinking of taking a job with this company, RUN!

Does anybody remember when you were proud and excited to say that you worked for AMGEN? I do, I was so excited to get up and go work for a company that cared about it’s people- now it’s just BIG Pharma company that treats it’s people like a number! No one in “Leadership” knows anything about or even cares about the people that are out here in the trenches every day, fighting on behalf of patients! It is truly SAD that a company that I loved so much has been taken over by weekly reports that are inaccurate, at best! Reporting is off and a total nightmare, having to chase syringes to get credit! Our “Leadership” need to read and think of the “Amgen Values” that they spew at every meeting! If you are thinking of taking a job with this company, RUN!
The sales force is a burden to the people at TO.