In Memorium


This goes out to all the fine representatives and their families whose lives were shattered by no fault of their own. The fact that this company has been run by mental misfits,swine, vermin and other putrid human qualities stands on its' own merit. I have nothing but complete contempt for these skunks, and sadness for all the good people who are suffering to recover their dignities and livelihoods. I still pretend to work at this abyss of lies, deceit. and pure evil. My conscience must allow me to reach out to those not as fortunate as myself at this point in time. Please take some comfort in knowing that Brand will ultimately meet its' demise, and those responsible for this human carnage will get what they have coming to them. This place is the worst excuse for any business model. and deserves nothing but ultra pain and suffering from here to the end of the line.

This goes out to all the fine representatives and their families whose lives were shattered by no fault of their own. The fact that this company has been run by mental misfits,swine, vermin and other putrid human qualities stands on its' own merit. I have nothing but complete contempt for these skunks, and sadness for all the good people who are suffering to recover their dignities and livelihoods. I still pretend to work at this abyss of lies, deceit. and pure evil. My conscience must allow me to reach out to those not as fortunate as myself at this point in time. Please take some comfort in knowing that Brand will ultimately meet its' demise, and those responsible for this human carnage will get what they have coming to them. This place is the worst excuse for any business model. and deserves nothing but ultra pain and suffering from here to the end of the line.

This is very interesting.

My guess that this ignoramus lives in a southern state below Maryland. How said that a mindless wonder like this is allowed to exist in society. You sir a goo gobbler imbecile.

This sounds like a comment from an arrogant (and ignorant) New York or New Jersey self absorbed gasbag who probably looks at Anthony Weiner as a role model. Learn to proof read, you idiot.

Now that ya'll is finished bangin' sis & feedin' livestock; go inside and watch the re-runs of Hee Haw with Granny...that is if you own a TV

Your family tried to crowd out the other pigs in the trough. Your sister grunted "Hello" before she got down with your Dad and started squeeling. You actually sound a little like Jethro Bodine, an uppity know-it-all but stupid enough to pay state income tax. I bet you live in one of those states that supported Obama in the last election. Come on, admit it. How smart is that?

This goes out to all the fine representatives and their families whose lives were shattered by no fault of their own. The fact that this company has been run by mental misfits,swine, vermin and other putrid human qualities stands on its' own merit. I have nothing but complete contempt for these skunks, and sadness for all the good people who are suffering to recover their dignities and livelihoods. I still pretend to work at this abyss of lies, deceit. and pure evil. My conscience must allow me to reach out to those not as fortunate as myself at this point in time. Please take some comfort in knowing that Brand will ultimately meet its' demise, and those responsible for this human carnage will get what they have coming to them. This place is the worst excuse for any business model. and deserves nothing but ultra pain and suffering from here to the end of the line.
The above message refers to Watson's purge starting in 2008 to lower its overhead by firing successful "career" reps (more than 3 years) who were generally over 30 years of age and whose base was too high. The new rep could be hired for half of their predecessor. Watson lied to and about their victims as they conducted this purge, catching many people unaware. They stressed integrity all the while they were lying. They even lied about their victims and short-changed them their monies due as they shoved them out the door. If you are truly desperate, think long and hard before allowing Watson to make you even more desperate further down the road. Because this company will put you there.

The above message refers to Watson's purge starting in 2008 to lower its overhead by firing successful "career" reps (more than 3 years) who were generally over 30 years of age and whose base was too high. The new rep could be hired for half of their predecessor. Watson lied to and about their victims as they conducted this purge, catching many people unaware. They stressed integrity all the while they were lying. They even lied about their victims and short-changed them their monies due as they shoved them out the door. If you are truly desperate, think long and hard before allowing Watson to make you even more desperate further down the road. Because this company will put you there.

You are 100% correct. The entire corporate world has followed this model of greed , 0 loyalty, and boning good people out of their ability to make living. Watson is a piece of shit outfit run by miscreants, scumbags, and cut throats.