In-house lay offs


A first for BIO, in-house lay offs have begun. The Education department has been gutted and all FTs are gone. Now that we have been infiltrated by the competition, the plans for success have begun.

we're doing so well! We're doing so WELL!!! We've increased sales 20% in the past _________days/weeks/months/years....You have to be afraid of us!!! We have so much technology, longevity, contracts....We're growing growing growing! Now lay off those peoples in house, they are a drag on on P&L

You can't blame guy? It's the culture, it's Jake, it's Portland, it's the fact that the destiny of this company was made when Tommy, the Bob's, little dude in Texas, and big teeth out east came in and kept their palm greasing in motion. A reputation that is hard to shake when you still pay referring cardiology for a CS lead registry.

Word is, a study closed without meeting any end point, after 5 years of study (payments to physicians), therefore needed to lay off all the clinical people associated with the 'study'....
True or False?