In home INR testing > pradaxa


The subject says it all. Pradaxa is expensive to the patient and the system. It is irreversible for emergency operations. And is also linked to multiple bleeding deaths.

No wonder BI reps nationwide are worried for their jobs!


Oh so they just came up with this praxbind after years of patients bleeding out or unable to have surgery performed.

How do you idiots live with yourself knowing how many you have killed?

The subject says it all. Pradaxa is expensive to the patient and the system. It is irreversible for emergency operations. And is also linked to multiple bleeding deaths.

No wonder BI reps nationwide are worried for their jobs!


2010 called and they want their uninformed village idiot back.

You keep thinking that kid.

The subject says it all. Pradaxa is expensive to the patient and the system. It is irreversible for emergency operations. And is also linked to multiple bleeding deaths.

No wonder BI reps nationwide are worried for their jobs!

Does it really matter? Cardio will be the next to be cut... Pradaxa is crap and wont be able to sustain enough revenue to keep the lights on.

Does it really matter? Cardio will be the next to be cut... Pradaxa is crap and wont be able to sustain enough revenue to keep the lights on.

In theory it's a great idea did well oversees.

The question it a crap med? Or are the lincare rep's points valid and it is weak? Or is it true that lincare reps have been targeting us? Those multiple of those used car salesmen in my area selling that snake oil.

People who are jealous take time out of their day to go look up CP, find the BI page and post this. I work here and I scan our pages, but I would never take the time out to go to another company's CP page and post stuff. Why? Because I don't care about them enough to do that. If you are getting on here posting non-sense about pradaxa then I question why? Go back to Lincare's page on CP. Do they even have one?

I know who this Lincare rep is. His last name is Massengill... has to be since he's got douche written all over him.

And since he's disposable, let's leave him alone.

I got four mdinr referrals yesterday and expecting a group of referrals a cardiologist is switching off pradaxa, xaralto and eliquis. Supposedly there's 80 of them! Suckers I'm gonna keep chipping away at you or patient base!

You're an idiot who hasn't ever talked to a cardiologist.

I've spoke with plenty cardiologists my friend I have a number of them that regularly refer patients to me for lincares heart steps program.

You know the difference between me and you? I am a real clinician backed by a team of clinicians. All you do is come ask for signatures to place samples then rattle off some stats of your company paid studies.

Mr Lincare,

Sounds like your kicking some butt, keep up the good work.

Sorry Pharm has overlooked you in the past. You sound like you're a very short man.

Be proud of what you do and just leave us the f alone.

I promise when I see you leaving an office I'll give you a nod.

Thanks for the bring those good pastries every morning they are tasty.

Good luck taking those orders.

I've spoke with plenty cardiologists my friend I have a number of them that regularly refer patients to me for lincares heart steps program.

You know the difference between me and you? I am a real clinician backed by a team of clinicians. All you do is come ask for signatures to place samples then rattle off some stats of your company paid studies.

Haha - do you seriously think of yourself as a clinician?!?!? You work for a fly by night outfit getting indigent ppl wheelchairs, Nebs, and home inr's. There's nothing clinical about that sell other than cheapest price. Good heavens. You aren't in our league. Dumbass.

Oh no, I just passed a broken down Lincare van on the side of the highway. The hood was up and smoke coming out from the engine. I hope you made it to your clinical practice you run at those Dr offices you call on. Best of luck, my friend.

At least my company doesn't make me drive a van.

Oh no, I just passed a broken down Lincare van on the side of the highway. The hood was up and smoke coming out from the engine. I hope you made it to your clinical practice you run at those Dr offices you call on. Best of luck, my friend.

At least my company doesn't make me drive a van.

Our drivers drive vans. I drive a bimmer. What do you drive a base model fusion? Hah